Contreras E. Isabella
2007年 7月 2日 (月) 00:28:16 JST
ERMX Grabs Edge Of US Trade With China And Moves Into Nitride Devices! EntreMetrix Inc. (ERMX) $0.16 Congress's push to increase trade agreements with China gives ERMX huge advantage as they enter joint venture to manufacture Nitride Devices for military, energy and technological solutions in China. This is huge. Get on ERMX Monday! Which, of course, brings us back to metadata management. If you decide to pursue certification, take the time to prepare for the tests. Keep in mind that during an actual disaster you may need to rely on less experienced people, or perhaps consultants and others who are not regular employees. The availability and levels of certification has been growing at an alarming rate for database-related positions. Database administration practiced as a management discipline would be focused on prevention first, cure second. Such mission critical applications require the robust functionality and durability of commercial DBMS software. In other words, the metadata strategy should provide a clear and concise reason why each piece of metadata is required by the organization. The software may be moving away from its sweet spot in terms of how and when it is implemented. Although you cannot implement procedures to stop an earthquake or flood, you can implement policies to help avoid man-made disasters. Of course, the "no cost" label only applies to the initial acquisition cost of the software, and then only maybe. Maybe I'm selfish but the only things I keep thinking are I hope my flight isn't delayed and I hope my flight doesn't get overbooked with people from the last flight. You may not be currently interested in a particular feature, but future application requirements can NOT be predicted! The most pervasive these days, I think, is the situation facing DBAs working for organizations where the Internet rules. A few interesting twists have visited the open source DBMS market recently. Information about data is referred to as metadata. A component of that plan must be the overall plan for resuming data processing and IT operations. Users of data must be able to put their data in context before the data becomes useful as information. For example, you cannot expect every user to understand the impact of responding to every error message. Of course, there is much more to metadata management than I can cover here. In other words, the metadata strategy should provide a clear and concise reason why each piece of metadata is required by the organization. Turn off compression at the primary site for the disaster recovery image copy backups if the remote site cannot read compressed tape files. Basically, when a business starts operating on "Internet time" things move faster. One such recent announcement is that Novell will be offering services to support MySQL customers. Maybe I'm selfish but the only things I keep thinking are I hope my flight isn't delayed and I hope my flight doesn't get overbooked with people from the last flight. offers an interesting proposition, but it has been tried before. Okay, so why do I think there needs to be a resurgence on metadata management? Or perhaps it is something else entirely? Is it a binary number? They are all trying to put out the fires that are on their desk. This list focused on non-database books, but I promised that I would list my favorite data-related books in a future blog entry. In order to prosper you must have an inquisitive mind and an on-going desire to learn. For example, enforce frequent password changes to mitigate data loss due to malicious hackers. With insurance, you pay a regular fee so that you are covered if you have an accident. A proper SLM discipline makes performance management predictable. Not every application can, or needs to, deliver sub-second response time. This gets back to my fireman metaphor. The availability and levels of certification has been growing at an alarming rate for database-related positions. You know, it is that one over there in the corner with the cobwebs on it? But where are the limits of open source? Users are free to modify and adapt the software to their specific needs.