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Livrée : 2011-09-16 09:54
pical piCal-0.94-pre (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

piCal-0.93 hacked contents
- 2011/09/16
-- added plugins for d3pipes
-- Work on PHP5.3 and MySQL5.5 or less version of PHP5 and MySQL5.
-- -Overrides the meta tag 'description' of html_header by dates and shorten post's text.

- 2011/07/14 d3comment integtation version by naao
see http://www.naaon.com/modules/plactice/index.php/home/hobby/xoops/pical_091h_1.htm


piCal-0.93 hacked contents
- 2011/09/16
-- d3pipes用プラグインの追加
-- PHP5.3 、 MySQL5.5 または それ以前のPHP5 and MySQL5で動作.
-- meta タグ 'description' を by 日付と短縮本文で上書き.

- 2011/07/14 d3forum コメント統合の組み込み
see http://www.naaon.com/modules/plactice/index.php/home/hobby/xoops/pical_091h_1.htm