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Description du projet

"playumidi" is the simple MIDI file player for USB MIDI device on FreeBSD. This software is able to direct control for FreeBSD-umidi device(/dev/umidi*.*) in uaudio driver. Therefore, You don't use /dev/sequencer device or the other software when listening the MIDI-file music. And, Support for auto-judge MIDI-file XG/GS/GM mode & auto add the Tone-Generator ReSet code when the ReSet code isn't exist in a MIDI-file.

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

playumidi (4 items Cacher)

Livrée : 2020-08-23 13:50
0.8.3 (1 files Cacher)

Livrée : 2019-08-11 09:31
0.8.2 (1 files Cacher)

Livrée : 2015-12-24 04:48
0.8.1 (1 files Cacher)

Livrée : 2014-02-23 21:05
0.8.0-RELEASE (1 files Cacher)