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Jamie Blair brisb****@dialo*****
2007年 10月 30日 (火) 08:36:37 JST

accustomed to the whizz of shell-fragments and bullets, and to have
a peep through his periscope at the Grand Fleet before the approach
anarchists' weapon, which has now become as respectable as the
an account of a visit to the front mentioned having seen a battle from
army pride to the outsider. It has been so long a part of British martial
Anybody who can walk or ride may be a spy. Therefore, the way to
activities of German residents in Belgium, Germany did not want the
across the bottom of the ditch; more waiting soldiers, only strung out
and chairs. If you are familiar with the tidiness of a retired New
as thick as the graves of a cemetery, and by the side of the road was
A factor overlooked, but even more significant than training or staff
activities of German residents in Belgium, Germany did not want the

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