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Description du projet

PukiWiki ('PoohKeyWeKey' without any prolonged sounds, comes from 'PHP' and 'YukiWiki') is a wiki implementation that works on PHP 4 and 5, outputs XHTML 1.1, has many plugins (including one for bug tracking) and skins (such as one for embedded browsers), enables English and/or UTF-8 configuration, and features case-insensitive WikiNames. The formatting rules are based on YukiWiki. 'B-Wiki' and 'PukiWikiMod' are ported ones to XOOPS.

Système requise

Système d'exploitation: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), OS Independent
  • pukiwiki-1.5.4_utf8.zip(Date: 2022-03-30, Taille: 424.09 KB)

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1.4.x (1 items )

Livrée : 2006-10-21 20:43
1.4.7_notb (6 files Cacher)

1.5.x (5 items Cacher)

Livrée : 2022-03-30 22:00
1.5.4 (4 files Cacher)

Livrée : 2020-03-30 07:00
1.5.3 (4 files Voir)

Livrée : 2019-03-01 07:50
1.5.2 (4 files Voir)

Livrée : 2016-03-07 23:00
1.5.1 (4 files Voir)

Livrée : 2014-07-19 14:00
1.5.0 (4 files Voir)

Tools (1 items )

Livrée : 2022-03-30 22:24
pw_eucjp_utf8_converter (1 files Cacher)