[Pythonjp-checkins] Fw: Downl0ad incredibles movie

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Bobby Woodward gkwyp****@conk*****
2004年 12月 24日 (金) 15:36:15 JST

Had this link sent to me on my palm pilot.    Its a good gift idea.  http://www.newyearspecials.com/info.html
You can just about download any CD album you want to.  Not to mention console games and dvd's.  I've already got like 5 full CD albums.
You should get a load of how many movies are in here that'l play in your dvd player - it's crazy.
They walk you through the entire process of burning your choices to CD.
Upon going over the movie section, you know how I like movies, they have stuff in here still in theates you can download and play on your DVD player - it's nuts.
Call me later if you get the chance.


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