[Pythonjp-checkins] [python-doc-ja] push by songo****@gmail***** - Google Project Hosting の Issue Tracker に登録するスクリプトを追加. on 2011-03-19 15:00 GMT

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pytho****@googl***** pytho****@googl*****
2011年 3月 20日 (日) 00:01:18 JST

Revision: a33038aef609
Author:   Naoki INADA  <inada****@klab*****>
Date:     Sat Mar 19 08:00:29 2011
Log:      Google Project Hosting の Issue Tracker に登録するスクリプトを追 


--- /dev/null
+++ /refs/jptool/register_issue.py	Sat Mar 19 08:00:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf-8
+from __future__ import with_statement
+import os
+from glob import glob
+import gdata.projecthosting.client # install from google
+# 実際に利用するときは DRY = 0 にする.
+DRY = 1
+# 登録しようとしている issue に統一して付ける label
+DEFAULT_LABELS = ["Type-Task", "Milestone-26ja2", "Target-2.6.6"]
+_USER = 'examp****@gmail*****'
+_PASSWORD = 'secretstring'
+_client = None
+def get_clinet(user=None, password=None):
+    global _client
+    if _client is None:
+        _client = _create_client(user, password)
+    return _client
+def _create_client(user=None, password=None):
+    """Build a ProjectHostingClinet object from ``settings.USER``
+    and ``settings.PASSWORD``."""
+    user = user or _USER
+    password = password or _PASSWORD
+    client = gdata.projecthosting.client.ProjectHostingClient()
+    client.client_login(user, password,
+                        source='PyDocJa Batch Issue Creater',
+                        service='code')
+    return client
+def register_issue(module, title, client=None):
+    client = client or get_client()
+    issue_title = u"%s/%s の翻訳 (2.6.6)" % (module, title)
+    client.add_issue('python-doc-ja', issue_title, issue_title, "---",
+                    labels=DEFAULT_LABELS + [module.title()])
+def usage(exit=False):
+    print "Usage: register_issue.py directory_contains_diff module_name"
+    print "Example: register_issue.py diff/library library"
+    if exit:
+        import sys
+        sys.exit()
+def main():
+    import sys
+    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+        usage(True)
+    from glob import iglob
+    mod_name = sys.argv[2]
+    print >>sys.stderr, "Registering module:", mod_name
+    for diff_file in iglob(sys.argv[1] + '/*.rst.diff'):
+        name = os.path.basename(diff_file)[:-9]
+        print >>sys.stderr, "Registering:", name
+        if not DRY:
+            register_issue(mod_name, name)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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