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Description du projet

Open Message Queue (GlassFish JMS)とOracle WebLogic MQのメッセージ管理、ブローカの管理・監視、任意のコマンド入力をGUIで行うクライアントプログラムを開発します。OpenMQとは、GlassFishアプリケーションサーバに標準で搭載されているJMSブローカです。GlassFishのサブプロジェクトとしてオープンソースで開発されており、アプリケーションサーバなしで単独でインストール、起動することも可能です。その他、GlassFish ESB( Open ESB )にも標準搭載されています。

Système requise

System requirement is not defined

Livrée : 2009-06-12 22:49
qbrowserv2 2.4.0 (1 files Cacher)

Notes de release

2.4.0 What's New
・Improve user property entry panel (table).
・Improve JMS header entry panel (table).
・Correspond to MapMessage(create message panel, message detail panel)
-For MapMessage String property, contents can be downloaded to files.
-For MapMessage bytes property, contents can be copyed from files.
-Display full contents of MapMessages. Bytes properties can be downloaded to files.
-Can display bytes property only.
-Text display mode for MapMessages.
・Validate the input value of MapMessage, User property and JMS header (before sending).
・+/- button can be used to add/delete lines of MapMessage, User property and JMS header.

・Clear input button is added to the new message creation panel.

・Now tables can be sorted by any columns. (default: sorting by Timestamp columns in ascending order)
・Add a popup menu 'move messages to'.
・Add the function to create new creation panel by the existing message.
・Now popup a larger edit window when String user properties value is clicked on the create message panel.
・Now popup a larger edit window when String MapMessage properties value is clicked on the create MapMessage panel.

2.4.0 BugFix

・FIX the problem that no more than 3 message are displayed in the case of forwarding the message.
・If you click the destination tab that is no longer existed in the destination box, NPE.
(For example, after issuing destroy dest command)
・FIX the problem that ReplyTo is set as the same name as the Destinnation when sending the message.
・ReplyTo type can be input:
- On the top of destination name, set "queue://" for queue. Eg: queue://ABC
- At the last of the destination name, set ": Queue" for queue. Eg: ABC : Queue
- On the top of destination name, set "topic://" for topic. Eg: topic://DEF
- At the lase of the destination name, set ": Topic" for topic. Eg: DEF : Topic
・FIX the problem that restart button cannot be used in the event that subscriber thread stopped.
・FIX the problem that the panel of the tab is not updated after closing the next tab. (Eg. subscriber button is still remained although it is not Topic.)

2.4.0 What's New



2.4.0 BugFix

- 宛先名の頭に「queue://」を付けるとキュー 入力例 queue://ABC
- 宛先名の最後に「 : Queue」を付けるとキュー 入力例 ABC : Queue
- 宛先名の頭に「topic://」を付けるとトピック 入力例 topic://DEF
- 宛先名の最後に「 : Topic」を付けるとトピック 入力例 DEF : Topic


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