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2021-05-06 16:44
When listening to audio through bluetooth (antennapod, spotify, ...), the audio stops when the screen is locked and p...
2021-03-23 23:09
Hi I have a motorola one xt1941-4 and I have installed the following rom RevengeOS-4.0-R-UNOFFICIAL-deen-20201001-195...
2021-03-04 18:37
I'm using RevengeOS-4.0-R-OFFICIAL-ysl-20210204-0739.zip, idk but in this last update my bank (Inter) app dont work,...
2021-02-18 16:56
Hey, Revenge OS 4.0 Phone: Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite 5G When the phone is switched off and i try to charge it, it vibrates, s...
2021-02-17 00:25
Device:MI9 My device doesn't support more than 3 fingers.all other custom roms supports 10 finger.Please fix this.

Derniers messages du forum

2018-12-02 09:53
OSDN System
2018-12-02 09:53
OSDN System
2018-12-02 09:53
OSDN System

Projet Évaluations

2020-12-10 00:37

Hey dev, Pie build are so good no issue except, after when unlock from lock ....

2020-11-28 20:22

very good! thanks for the great rom!

2020-09-22 12:29

Best custom ROM for remote . Thank you so much for your hard work

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