[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::MenuBar

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ruby-****@lists***** ruby-****@lists*****
2003年 4月 2日 (水) 11:39:34 JST


= class Gtk::MenuBar
The Gtk::MenuBar is a subclass of Gtk::MenuShell which contains one to many Gtk::MenuItem. The result is a standard menu bar which can hold many menu items. Gtk::MenuBar allows for a shadow type to be set for aesthetic purposes. The shadow types are defined in the Gtk::MenuBar#shadow_type=(((*NOT IMPLEMENTED YET*))).
== super class
* Gtk::MenuShell

== class methods
--- Gtk::MenuBar.new
    Creates the new Gtk::MenuBar
    * Returns: the Gtk::MenuBar

== See Also
* Gtk::MenuShell
* Gtk::Menu
* Gtk::MenuItem

- ((<Masao>))

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