[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - GConf::ChangeSet

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ruby-****@lists***** ruby-****@lists*****
2003年 4月 13日 (日) 22:27:42 JST

= class GConf::ChangeSet

== super class
* Glib::Boxed

== class methods
--- GConf::ChangeSet.new
    Creates a new GConf::ChangeSet object.
    * Returns: a new GConf::ChangeSet

== public instance methods
--- clear
    Clears all changes in the GConf::ChangeSet, so that commiting it will have no effect.
    * Returns: self

--- each { |value| ... }
    Call the given block on each value in the GConf::ChangeSet.
    * value: a basic type (String, Integer, so on)
    * Returns: self

--- remove(key)
    Removes any changes for the given key.
    * key: the key to remove
    * Returns: self

--- set(key, value)
    Adds a "set" operation to the GConf::ChangeSet. This will not take effect before the GConf::ChangeSet gets commited (by GConf::Client#commit_change_set).  Errors don't occur until the GConf::ChangeSet is actually commited.
    * key: the key to change
    * value: the value to set the key to
    * Returns: self

--- size
    Returns the number of operations in the GConf::ChangeSet.
    * Returns: number of operations

--- unset(key)
    Adds an "unset" operation to the GConf::ChangeSet, unseting the key once the GConf::ChangeSet gets commited.
    * Returns: self

- ((<lone-star>))
= class GConf::ChangeSet
GConf::ChangeSet represents a set of changes to be made to the GConf database.

== super class
* Glib::Boxed

== class methods
--- GConf::ChangeSet.new
    Creates a new GConf::ChangeSet object.
    * Returns: a new GConf::ChangeSet

== public instance methods
--- clear
    Clears all changes in the GConf::ChangeSet, so that commiting it will have no effect.
    * Returns: self

--- each { |value| ... }
    Call the given block on each value in the GConf::ChangeSet.
    * value: a basic type (String, Integer, so on)
    * Returns: self

--- remove(key)
    Removes any changes for the given key.
    * key: the key to remove
    * Returns: self

--- set(key, value)
    Adds a "set" operation to the GConf::ChangeSet. This will not take effect before the GConf::ChangeSet gets commited (by GConf::Client#commit_change_set).  Errors don't occur until the GConf::ChangeSet is actually commited.
    * key: the key to change
    * value: the value to set the key to
    * Returns: self

--- size
    Returns the number of operations in the GConf::ChangeSet.
    * Returns: number of operations

--- unset(key)
    Adds an "unset" operation to the GConf::ChangeSet, unseting the key once the GConf::ChangeSet gets commited.
    * Returns: self

- ((<lone-star>))

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