2003年 8月 29日 (金) 00:21:59 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gdk::GLConfig + Frame Buffer Configuration OpenGL frame buffer configuration object == Object Hierarchy * Object * GLib::Instantiatable * GLib::Object * Gdk::GLConfig == Class Methods ---[screen,] attrib_list/mode) Returns an OpenGL frame buffer configuration that matches the specified configuration. * screen: optional, if specified indicates the target Gdk::Screen. * You can simply ignore it as on most computers it is not needed. * You cannot give any screen if Gdk::GL::MULTIHEAD_SUPPORT is false and you must give one if Gdk::GL::MULTIHEAD_SAFE is true. * attrib_list/mode: you can give either: * attrib_list: array of attribute/value pairs. * mode: display mode bit mask. * Returns: the new Gdk::GLConfig == Instance Methods --- colormap Gets the Gdk::Colormap that is appropriate for the OpenGL frame buffer configuration. * Returns: the appropriate Gdk::Colormap. --- depth Gets the color depth of the OpenGL-capable visual. * Returns: number of bits per pixel --- double_buffered? Returns whether the configuration supports the double-buffered visual. * Returns: true if the double-buffered visual is supported, false otherwise. --- get_attrib(attribute) Gets information about the OpenGL frame buffer configuration. * attribute: the attribute to be returned. * Returns: the requested value or nil if the value could not be found. --- has_accum_buffer? Returns whether the configured frame buffer has accumulation buffer. * Returns: true if the frame buffer has accumulation buffer, false otherwise. --- has_alpha? Returns whether the configured color buffer has alpha bits. * Returns: true if the color buffer has alpha bits, false otherwise. --- has_depth_buffer? Returns whether the configured frame buffer has depth buffer. * Returns: true if the frame buffer has depth buffer, false otherwise --- has_stencil_buffer? Returns whether the configured frame buffer has stencil buffer. * Returns: true if the frame buffer has stencil buffer, false otherwise --- layer_plane Gets the layer plane (level) of the frame buffer. Zero is the default frame buffer. Positive layer planes correspond to frame buffers that overlay the default buffer, and negative layer planes correspond to frame buffers that underlie the default frame buffer. * Returns: layer plane. --- n_aux_buffers Gets the number of auxiliary color buffers. * Returns: number of auxiliary color buffers. --- n_sample_buffers Gets the number of multisample buffers. * Returns: number of multisample buffers. --- rgba? Returns whether the configured frame buffer is RGBA mode. * Returns: true if the configured frame buffer is RGBA mode, false otherwise. --- screen Gets the Gdk::Screen. * Returns: the Gdk::Screen --- stereo? Returns whether the configuration supports the stereo visual. * Returns: true if the stereo visual is supported, false otherwise. --- visual Gets the Gdk::Visual that is appropriate for the OpenGL frame buffer configuration. * Returns: the appropriate Gdk::Visual. == Constants === GdkGLConfigMode --- MODE_ACCUM --- MODE_ALPHA --- MODE_DEPTH --- MODE_DOUBLE --- MODE_INDEX --- MODE_MULTISAMPLE Not supported yet. --- MODE_RGB --- MODE_RGBA Same as MODE_RGB. --- MODE_SINGLE --- MODE_STENCIL --- MODE_STEREO === GdkGLConfigAttrib Different types of attributes. Used in and in get_attrib. --- USE_GL support GLX rendering. --- BUFFER_SIZE depth of the color buffer. --- LEVEL level in plane stacking. --- RGBA true if in RGBA mode. --- DOUBLEBUFFER double buffering supported. --- STEREO stereo buffering supported. --- AUX_BUFFERS number of aux buffers. --- RED_SIZE number of red component bits. --- GREEN_SIZE number of green component bits. --- BLUE_SIZE number of blue component bits. --- ALPHA_SIZE number of alpha component bits. --- DEPTH_SIZE number of depth bits. --- STENCIL_SIZE number of stencil bits. --- ACCUM_RED_SIZE number of red accum bits. --- ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE number of green accum bits. --- ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE number of blue accum bits. --- ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE number of alpha accum bits. ==== FBConfig-specific attributes. (GLX 1.3 and later) --- CONFIG_CAVEAT --- X_VISUAL_TYPE --- TRANSPARENT_TYPE --- TRANSPARENT_INDEX_VALUE --- TRANSPARENT_RED_VALUE --- TRANSPARENT_GREEN_VALUE --- TRANSPARENT_BLUE_VALUE --- TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_VALUE --- DRAWABLE_TYPE --- RENDER_TYPE --- X_RENDERABLE --- FBCONFIG_ID --- MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH --- MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT --- MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS --- VISUAL_ID --- SCREEN ==== Multisampling configuration attributes. (GLX 1.4 and later) --- SAMPLE_BUFFERS --- SAMPLES