[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - tut-gst-bins-create

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 4月 1日 (木) 20:57:20 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/en/?tut-gst-bins-create
  = Creating Bins
+ {{link("tut-gst-link-elements-intro", nil, "tut-gst", "tut-gst-bins-add)}}
  Bins are created in the same way that other elements are created. ie. using an element factory, or any of the associated convenience methods:
    # create a new bin called 'mybin'. this bin will be only for organizational purposes; a normal
    # Gst::Bin doesn't affect plan generation
    bin = Gst::ElementFactory.make("bin", "mybin")
    # create a new pipeline
    pipeline = Gst::ElementFactory.make("pipeline", "mypipe")
    # create a new thread, and give it a unique name
    thread = Gst::ElementFactory.make("thread")
    # the core bins (Gst::Bin, Gst::Thread, Gst::Pipeline) also have convenience APIs,
    # Gst::<bintype>.new. These are equivalent to the Gst::ElementFactory.make syntax.
    bin2 = Gst::Bin.new("mybin")
    pipeline2 = Gst::Pipeline.new("mypipe")
    thread2 = Gst::Thread.new

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