2004年 8月 6日 (金) 03:54:42 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gst::Structure Generic structure containing fields of names and values. == Object Hierarchy * Object * GLib::Boxed * Gst::Structure == Class Methods --- Gst::Structure.from_string(string) Creates a Gst::Structure from a string representation. * string: a string representation of a Gst::Structure. * Returns: a newly allocated Gst::Structure. ---, *fields) Creates a new Gst::Structure with the given name. If no fields are provided, the structure will be empty. Otherwise, parses the variable list and sets fields to the values listed. Variables arguments should be passed as field name and value. * name: the name for the new structure. * fields: a set of name/value pairs. * Returns: a newly created Gst::Structure object. == Instance Methods --- [](name) Synonym for Gst::Structure#get_value. * name: the name of the field to get. * Returns: the value corresponding to the field with the given name. --- [name]=(value) Sets the field with the given name to the provided value. If the field does not exist, it is created. If the field exists, the previous value is freed and replaced. * name: the name of the field to set. * value: the new value of the field. * Returns: the given value. --- clear Synonym for Gst::Structure#remove_all_fields. * Returns: self. --- get_field_type(field) This method returns the type of the field with the given name (as a Class object), or nil if the field is not found. * field: the name of the field. * Returns: the type of the field with the given name (as a Class object), or nil if the field is not found. --- get_value(name) This method returns the value corresponding to the field with the given name. * name: the name of the field to get. * Returns: the value corresponding to the field with the given name. --- has_field?(field) This method returns true if the structure contains a field with the given name. * field: the name of a field. * Returns: true if the structure contains a field with the given name. --- has_field_typed?(field, klass) This method returns true if the structure contains a field with the given name and klass. * klass: the class of a value. * field: the name of a field. * Returns: true if the structure contains a field with the given name and klass. --- length Synonym for Gst::Structure#n_fields. * Returns: the number of fields in the structure. --- n_fields This method returns the number of fields in the structure. * Returns: the number of fields in the structure. --- name This method returns the string representing the name of the structure. * Returns: the string representing the name of the structure. --- name=(name) Sets the name of the structure to the given name. * name: the new name of the structure. * Returns: the given parameter 'name'. --- remove(*fields) Synonym for Gst::Structure#remove_fields. * fields: the name of the fields to remove. * Returns: self. --- remove_all_fields Removes all fields in the structure. * Returns: self. --- remove_field(field) Removes the field with the given name. If the field with the given name does not exist, the structure is unchanged. * field: the name of the field to remove. * Returns: self. --- remove_fields(*fields) Removes the fields with the given names. If a field does not exist, it is ignored. * fields: the name of the fields to remove. * Returns: self. --- set(*fields) Parses the variable arguments and sets fields accordingly. Variable arguments should be in the form field name and value. * fields: a set of name/value pairs. * Returns: self. --- set_name(name) Sets the name of the structure to the given name. * name: the new name of the structure. * Returns: self. --- set_value(name, value) Sets the field with the given name to the provided value. If the field does not exist, it is created. If the field exists, the previous value is freed and replaced. * name: the name of the field to set. * value: the new value of the field. * Returns: self. --- size Synonym for Gst::Structure#n_fields. * Returns: the number of fields in the structure. --- to_s Synonym for Gst::Structure#to_string. * Returns: a human-readable representation of the structure. --- to_string This method returns a human-readable representation of the structure. * Returns: a human-readable representation of the structure. == See Also ((<Gst>)). - ((<lrz>))