[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gnome::PrintJob

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 6月 8日 (水) 23:07:05 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/hiki/hiki.cgi?Gnome%3A%3APrintJob
@@ -1,57 +1,115 @@
 = class Gnome::PrintJob
+== Object Hierarchy
+* Object
+  * GLib::Instantiatable
+    * GLib::Object
+      * Gnome::PrintJob
 == Class Methods
+--- Gnome::PrintJob.new(config)
---- new(config=nil)
-     Creats a new Gnome::PrintJob object.
-     * Returns: the newly created object or nil. An error
-       occured when this method returns nil.
+     Creates a new Gnome::PrintJob.
+     * config: The job options, can be (({nil})) in which case a
+       default Gnome::PrintConfig is created
+     * Returns: A new Gnome::PrintJob, raises Gnome::PrintErorr on error
 == Instance Methods
+--- close
+     Closes (({self})), ready for printing or previewing. To
+     be called after the application has finished sending
+     the drawing commands
+     * Returns: (({nil}))
 --- context
-     * Returns: Gnome::PrintContext object of self.
+     Retrieve the Gnome::PrintContext which applications
+     print to.
+     * Returns: The printing context, (({nil})) on error
---- config
-     * Returns: Gnome::PrintConfig object of self.
+--- page_size
+     Get the imaging area size that is available to the
+     application. Sizes are given in PS points
+     (Gnome::PrintUnit::PS_UNIT)
+     * Returns: Array of width and height of paper of
+       current config on success, (({nil})) on failure
---- close
-     Closes job, ready for printing or previewing. You must
-     call it before Gnome::PrintConfig#print. Raises
-     Gnome::PrintError error if error occured.
-     * Returns: true when not raised.
+--- pages
+     Find the number of pages stored in a completed
+     printout. This is the number of physical pages, so if
+     the layout can hold 4 pages per page, and 5 logical
+     pages are printed (5 beginpage/endpage combinations) 2
+     is returned
+     * Returns: the number of pages, 0 on error
+--- print
+     Print the pages stored in the Gnome::PrintJob to the
+     physical printing device.
+     * Returns: (({nil})) on success, otherwise raises an
+       exception of Gnome::PrintError
+--- print_to_file(output)
+     Sets/unsets the print to file option for the job.
+     * output: output file, if (({nil})) sets print to file
+       to (({false}))
+     * Returns: (({nil})) on success, otherwise raises an
+       exception of Gnome::PrintError
 --- render(context)
-     Renders printout to specified ((|context|)).
-     * context: a Gnome::PrintContext object.
-     * Returns: true when not raised.
---- render_page(context, page_number, send_beginpage_and_showpage)
-     Renderes the specified page ((|page_number|)).
-     * context: a Gnome::PrintContext object.
-     * page_number: a page number (e.g. 1).
-     * send_beginpage_and_showpage: a boolean.
-     * Returns: true when not raised.
+     Renders printout to specified ((|context|)) (with layout,
+     ignoring copies)
---- pages
-     Find the number of pages stored in a completed
-     printout. This is the number of physical pages, so if the
-     layout can hold 4 pages per page, and 5 logical pages are
-     printed (5 beginpage/endpage convinations) 2 is returned.
-     (from API reference of libgnomeprint)
-     * Returns: the number of pages, 0 on error.
+     * context: Gnome::PrintContext
+     * Returns: (({nil})) on success, otherwise raises an
+       exception of Gnome::PrintError
---- page_size
-     * Returns: an array of width and height of page.
+--- render_page(context, page, pageops)
---- print_to_file(filename)
-     Sets ((|filename|)) as output filename. Job sends output to other
-     program if ((|filename|)) is started by "|". Job sends
-     output to printer if ((|filename|)) is nil.
-     * Returns: true when not raised.
+     Renders the specified page ((|page|))
+     * context: Gnome::PrintContext
+     * page: page number to want to render
+     * pageops: whether send begingpage/showpage to output
+     * Returns: (({nil})) on success, otherwise raises an
+       exception of Gnome::PrintError
-== Constants
+--- config
+    Gets the configuration of the job
+     * Returns: Gnome::PrintConfig for this job, (({nil})) on error
+--- config=(config)
+--- set_config(config)
+    Sets the configuration for the print job.
+     * config: The configuration for the print job
+     * Returns: config
+== Properties
+--- config: Gnome::PrintConfig (Read/Write)
+    The configuration for the print job
 == See Also
+== ChangeLog
+* 2005-06-08 ((<kou>)): completed.
-- kou
\ No newline at end of file
+- ((<kou>))

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