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2005年 9月 16日 (金) 03:20:55 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki
        URL = /hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3AIconView
TITLE       = Gtk::IconView
KEYWORD     = 
= class Gtk::IconView
Gtk::IconView provides an alternative view on a list model. It displays the model as a grid of icons with labels. Like Gtk::TreeView, it allows to select one or multiple items (depending on the selection mode, see Gtk::IconView#selection_mode=). In addition to selection with the arrow keys, Gtk::IconView supports rubberband selection, which is controlled by dragging the pointer.

== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::Object
        * Gtk::Widget
          * Gtk::Container
            * Gtk::IconView

== Class Methods
--- Gtk::IconView.new(model = nil)
    Creates a new GtkIconView widget. ((*Since2.6*))
    * model: The Gtk::TreeModel
    * Returns: A newly created Gtk::IconView widget

== Instance Methods
--- model
    Gets the model for the icon view or nil if model is unset. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: The model for the icon view
--- model=(model)
    Sets the model for a Gtk::IconView. If the icon_view already has a model set, it will remove it before setting the new model. If model is nil, then it will unset the old model. ((*Since2.6*))
    * model: The Gtk::TreeModel for the icon view
    * Returns: model
--- set_model(model)
    Same as model=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * model: The Gtk::TreeModel for the icon view
    * Returns: self

--- text_column
    Gets the column with text for icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: the column with text for icon view
--- text_column=(text_column)
    Sets the column with text for icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * text_column: the column with text for icon view.
    * Returns: text_column
--- set_text_column(text_column)
    Same as text_column=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * text_column: the column with text for icon view.
    * Returns: self

--- markup_column
    Gets the column with markup text for icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: the markup column, or -1 if it's unset.
--- markup_column=(column)
    Sets the column with markup information for icon view to be column. If the markup column is set to something, it overrides the text column set by Gtk::IconView#text_column=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * column: A column in the currently used model(Integer)
    * Returns: column
--- set_markup_column(column)
    Same as markup_column=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * column: A column in the currently used model(Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- pixbuf_column
    Gets the column with pixbufs for icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: the column with pixbufs for icon view
--- pixbuf_column=(column)
    Sets the column with pixbufs for icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * column: the column with pixbufs for icon view
    * Returns: column
--- set_pixbuf_column(column)
    Same as pixbuf_column=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * column: the column with pixbufs for icon view
    * Returns: self

--- get_path_at_pos(x, y)
    Finds the path at the point (x, y), relative to widget coordinates. See Gtk::IconView#item_at_pos, if you are also interested in the cell at the specified position. ((*Since2.6*))
    * x: The x position to be identified (Fixnum)
    * y: The y position to be identified (Fixnum)
    * Returns: The Gtk::TreePath corresponding to the icon or nil if no icon exists at that position.

--- selected_each{|iconview, path| ... }
    Calls a block for each selected icon. Note that the model or selection cannot be modified from within this method. ((*Since2.6*))
    * {|iconview, path| ... }: The block to call for each selected icon.
      * iconview: The Gtk::IconView
      * path: The Gtk::TreePath of a selected row
    * Returns: self

--- selection_mode
    Gets the  selection mode of the icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: The selection mode
--- selection_mode=(selection_mode)
    Sets the  selection mode of the icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * selection_mode: The selection mode (((<GtkSelectionMode|Gtk#GtkSelectionMode>)))
    * Returns: selection_mode
--- set_selection_mode(selection_mode)
    Same as selection_mode=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * selection_mode: The selection mode (((<GtkSelectionMode|Gtk#GtkSelectionMode>)))
    * Returns: self

--- orientation
    Gets the value of the ::orientation property which determines whether the labels are drawn beside the icons instead of below. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: the relative position of texts and icons
--- orientation=(orientation)
    Sets the ::orientation property which determines whether the labels are drawn beside the icons instead of below. ((*Since2.6*))
    * orientation: the relative position of texts and icons (((<GtkOrientation|Gtk#GtkOrientation>)))
    * Returns: orientation
--- set_orientation(orientation)
    Same as orientation=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * orientation: the relative position of texts and icons (((<GtkOrientation|Gtk#GtkOrientation>)))
    * Returns: self

--- columns
    Gets the number of columns to display. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: Number of columns to display
--- columns=(columns)
    Sets the number of columns to display. ((*Since2.6*))
    * columns: Number of columns to display (Integer)
    * Returns: columns
--- set_columns(columns)
    Same as columns=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * columns: Number of columns to display (Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- item_width
    Gets the width used for each item. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: The width used for each item
--- item_width=(item_width)
    Sets the width used for each item. ((*Since2.6*))
    * item_width: The width used for each item (Integer)
    * Returns: item_width
--- set_item_width(item_width)
    Same as item_width=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * item_width: The width used for each item (Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- spacing
    Gets the space which is inserted between cells of an item. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: Space which is inserted between cells of an item
--- spacing=(spacing)
    Sets the space which is inserted between cells of an item. ((*Since2.6*))
    * spacing: Space which is inserted between cells of an item (Integer)
    * Returns: spacing
--- set_spacing(spacing)
    Same as spacing=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * spacing: Space which is inserted between cells of an item (Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- row_spacing
    Gets the space which is inserted between grid rows. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: Space which is inserted between grid rows
--- row_spacing=(row_spacing)
    Sets the space which is inserted between grid rows. ((*Since2.6*))
    * row_spacing: Space which is inserted between grid rows (Integer)
    * Returns: row_spacing
--- set_row_spacing(row_spacing)
    Same as row_spacing=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * row_spacing: Space which is inserted between grid rows (Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- column_spacing
    Gets the space which is inserted between grid column. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: Space which is inserted between grid column
--- column_spacing=(column_spacing)
    Sets the space which is inserted between grid column. ((*Since2.6*))
    * column_spacing: Space which is inserted between grid column (Integer)
    * Returns: column_spacing
--- set_column_spacing(column_spacing)
    Same as column_spacing=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * column_spacing: Space which is inserted between grid column (Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- margin
    Gets the space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: Space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view
--- margin=(margin)
    Sets the space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view. ((*Since2.6*))
    * margin: Space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view (Integer)
    * Returns: margin
--- set_margin(margin)
    Same as margin=. ((*Since2.6*))
    * margin: Space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view (Integer)
    * Returns: self

--- select_path(path)
    Selects the row at path. ((*Since2.6*))
    * path: The Gtk::TreePath to be selected
    * Returns: self

--- unselect_path(path)
    Unselects the row at path. ((*Since2.6*))
    * path: The Gtk::TreePath to be unselected
    * Returns: self

--- path_is_selected?(path)
    Returns true if the icon pointed to by path is currently selected. If icon does not point to a valid location, false is returned. ((*Since2.6*))
    * path: A Gtk::TreePath to check selection on.
    * Returns: true if path is selected, otherwise false.

--- selected_items
    Creates an Array of paths of all selected items. Additionally, if you are planning on modifying the model after calling this method, you may want to convert the returned Array into an Array of Gtk::TreeRowReferences. To do this, you can use Gtk::TreeRowReference.new. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: An Array containing a Gtk::TreePath for each selected row.

--- select_all
    Selects all the icons. The icon view must has its selection mode set to Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: self
--- unselect_all
    Unselects all the icons. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: self

--- item_activated(path)
    Activates the item determined by path. ((*Since2.6*))
    * path: The Gtk::TreePath to be activated
    * Returns: self

--- activate_cursor_item
    Emits "activate-cursor-item" signal. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: self

--- move_cursor(step, arg)
    Emits "move-cursor" signal. ((*Since2.6*))
    * step: ((<GtkMovementStep|Gtk#GtkMovementStep>))
    * arg: Integer
    * Returns: self

--- select_cursor_item
    Emits "select-cursor-item" signal. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: self

--- toggle_cursor_item
    Emits "toggle-cursor-item" signal. ((*Since2.6*))
    * Returns: self

--- create_drag_icon(path)
    Creates a Gdk::Pixmap representation of the item at path. This image is used for a drag icon. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * path: a Gtk::TreePath in self
    * Returns: a newly-allocated pixmap of the drag icon

--- enable_model_drag_source(start_button_mask, targets, actions)
    Turns self into a drag source for automatic DND. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * start_button_mask: Mask of allowed buttons to start drag (Gdk::ModifierType)
    * targets: [[target1, flags1, info1], [target2, flags2, info2], ...]: an array of targets supported by the drag

        * target: the drag type (String)
        * flags: Gtk::Drag#GtkTargetFlags
        * info: an application assigned integer ID
    * actions: the bitmask of possible actions for a drag from this widget (Gdk::DragContext#GdkDragAction)
    * Returns: self

--- enable_model_drag_dest(targets, actions)
    Turns icon_view into a drop destination for automatic DND. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * targets: [[target1, flags1, info1], [target2, flags2, info2], ...]: an array of targets supported by the drag
        * target: the drag type (String)
        * flags: Gtk::Drag#GtkTargetFlags
        * info: an application assigned integer ID
    * actions: the bitmask of possible actions for a drag from this widget (Gdk::DragContext#GdkDragAction)
    * Returns: self

--- cursor
    Gets the current path and cell. If the cursor isn't currently set, then path will be nil. If no cell currently has focus, then cell will be nil. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * Returns: [ valid, path, cell ]
        * valid: true if the cursor is set
        * path: current cursor path (Gtk::TreePath), or nil
        * cell: current focus cell (Gtk::CellRenderer), or nil

--- get_dest_item_at_pos(drag_x, drag_y)
    Determines the destination item for a given position. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * drag_x: the position to determine the destination item for (Fixnum)
    * drag_y: the position to determine the destination item for (Fixnum)
    * Returns: [ item_present, path, pos ]
        * item_present: whether there is an item at the given position
        * path: path of the destination item (Gtk::TreePath), or nil
        * pos: drop position (Gtk::IconView#GtkIconViewDropPosition)

--- drag_dest_item
    Gets information about the item that is highlighted for feedback. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * Returns: [ path, pos ]
        * path: path of the highlighted item (Gtk::TreePath), or nil
        * pos: drop position (Gtk::IconView#GtkIconViewDropPosition)

--- get_item_at_pos(x, y)
    Finds the path at the point (x, y), relative to widget coordinates. In contrast to Gtk::IconView#path_at_pos, this function also obtains the cell at the specified position. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * x: The x position to be identified (Fixnum)
    * y: The y position to be identified (Fixnum)
    * Returns: [ path, cell ]
        * path: path (Gtk::TreePath), or nil
        * cell: renderer responsible for the cell at (x, y) (Gtk::CellRenderer), or nil

--- reorderable=(reorderable)
    Convenience function to allow you to reorder models that support the Gtk::TreeDragSourceIface and the Gtk::TreeDragDestIface. Both Gtk::TreeStore and Gtk::ListStore support these. If reorderable is true, then the user can reorder the model by dragging and dropping rows. The developer can listen to these changes by connecting to the model's 'row_inserted' and 'row_deleted' signals. This function does not give you any degree of control over the order -- any reordering is allowed. If more control is needed, you should probably handle drag and drop manually. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * reorderable: true, if the list of items can be reordered.
    * Returns: reorderable

--- set_reorderable=(reorderable)
    Same as Gtk::IconView#reorderable=. ((*Since 2.8*))
    * reorderable: true, if the list of items can be reordered.
    * Returns: self

--- reorderable?
    Retrieves whether the user can reorder the list via drag-and-drop. See Gtk::IconView#reorderable=. ((*Since 2.8*))
    Returns: true if the list can be reordered.

== Constants

=== GtkIconViewDropPosition
((*Since 2.8*))

== Properties
--- column-spacing: Integer (Read/Write)
    Space which is inserted between grid column ((*Since2.6*))

--- columns: Integer (Read/Write)
    Number of columns to display ((*Since2.6*))

--- item-width: Integer (Read/Write)
    The width used for each item ((*Since2.6*))

--- margin: Integer (Read/Write)
    Space which is inserted at the edges of the icon view ((*Since2.6*))

--- markup-column: Integer (Read/Write)
    Model column used to retrieve the text if using Pango markup ((*Since2.6*))

--- model: Gtk::TreeModel (Read/Write)
    The model for the icon view ((*Since2.6*))

--- orientation: Gtk::Orientation (Read/Write)
    How the text and icon of each item are positioned relative to each other ((*Since2.6*))

--- pixbuf-column: Integer (Read/Write)
    Model column used to retrieve the icon pixbuf from ((*Since2.6*))

--- row-spacing: Integer (Read/Write)
    Space which is inserted between grid rows ((*Since2.6*))

--- selection-mode: Gtk::SelectionMode (Read/Write)
    The selection mode ((*Since2.6*))

--- spacing: Integer (Read/Write)
    Space which is inserted between cells of an item ((*Since2.6*))

--- text-column: Integer (Read/Write)
    Model column used to retrieve the text from ((*Since2.6*))

--- orientation: Gtk::Orientation (Read/Write)
    Defines the orientation of the icons in the view. Default: Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL. ((*Since 2.8*))

--- reorderable: true or false (Read/Write)
    View is reorderable. Default: false. ((*Since 2.8*))

== Style Properties
--- selection-box-alpha: Integer (Read)
    Opacity of the selection box

--- selection-box-color: Gdk::Color (Read)
    Color of the selection box

== Signals
--- activate-cursor-item: self
     * self: Gtk::IconView

--- item-activated: self, path
     * self: Gtk::IconView
     * path: Gtk::TreePath

--- move-cursor: self, step, arg
     * self: Gtk::IconView
     * step: ((<GtkMovementStep|Gtk#GtkMovementStep>))
     * arg: Integer

--- select-all: self
     * self: Gtk::IconView

--- select-cursor-item: self
     * self: Gtk::IconView

--- selection-changed: self
     * self: Gtk::IconView

--- set-scroll-adjustments: self, adj1, adj2
     * self: Gtk::IconView
     * adj1: Gtk::Adjustment
     * adj2: Gtk::Adjustment
--- toggle-cursor-item: self
     * self: Gtk::IconView

--- unselect-all: self
     * self: Gtk::IconView

== ChangeLog
* 2005-09-12 Documented partial additions for 2.8 - ((<gc>))
* 2005-05-05 Added - ((<Masao>))

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