[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-treev-addrnhs

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 10月 1日 (月) 08:24:37 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-treev-addrnhs
@@ -641,6 +641,6 @@
 Finally, lets also address the two issues, mentioned in two places first when introducing the first version of 'treev-MultiDim-load-asci-table.rb' program example under the title ((<"Tedious Job of Loading Multidimensional Tree Store:"|tut-gtk2-treev-trees#Tedious Job of Loading Multidimensional Tree Store>)), where we were concerned by adding and removing rows from a multi-level tree view and tree store, and second the 'imaginary root node' issue in the segment called '((<"Imaginary, invisible root node"|tut-gtk2-treev-rr#Imaginary, invisible root node:>))'.
-The last, 'imaginary root node' issue we have also seen in the above (adding-n-removing-rows.rb) example program, though we did not really expose it. But it will be more obvious in the next example. As promised this last example is an extension of the 'treev-MultiDim-load-asci-table.rb' program in which we loaded the tree model and view, from the asci table residing in a separate file as a module. We are going to use the same module file here too. What is new is the feature that allows us to add and remove rows. This time however, we use a different row selection mechanism than in the above (adding-n-removing-rows.rb) example program. In both cases, when we insert a row or delete it we point to it by clicking on it. When adding a row we are adding a single child to an existing parent row. When removing a row, we are removing the selected row and all its children if they exist.
+The last, 'imaginary root node issue' we have also seen in the above (adding-n-removing-rows.rb) example program, though we did not really expose it. But it will be more obvious in the next example. As promised this last example is an extension of the 'treev-MultiDim-load-asci-table.rb' program in which we loaded the tree model and view, from the asci table residing in a separate file as a module. We are going to use the same module file here too. What is new is the feature that allows us to add and remove rows. This time however, we use a different row selection mechanism than in the above (adding-n-removing-rows.rb) example program. In both cases, when we insert a row or delete it we point to it by clicking on it. When adding a row we are adding a single child to an existing parent row. When removing a row, we are removing the selected row and all its children if they exist.
 #### path = /(.+)(:\d+)/ =~ path ? $1 : $2  #### BUG? Gtk::TreePath#up! <<< doesn't work

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