[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-appdx-clrtheory

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2013年 4月 12日 (金) 07:56:16 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-appdx-clrtheory
@@ -50,14 +50,63 @@
-    The image on the left should give you an idea how to interpret the numbers in the above three categories. 
+    The image on the right should give you an idea how to interpret the numbers in the above three categories. 
 :Possible Value Combinations For All Three Groups Of Defining Colours
-# seeA:	~/work/01-pgmLearn/00allPgmDOC/00-generic-prg-eg:HEX/color-analysis.txt
+    Table:
+     a) DEFINING COLOURS (defined as FF(s)
+                             Hexadecimal     Decimal     In Percents
+                              -- -- --     --- --- ---   ---- ---- ----
+     | a.1) black             00 00  00      0   0   0   0    0    0
+     | a.2) red               ff 00 00     255   0   0   1    0    0
+     | a.3  green             00 ff 00       0 255   0   0    1    0
+     | a.4  blue              00 ff 00       0   0 255   0    0    1
+     | a.5  yellow            ff ff 00     255 255   0   1    1    0
+     | a.6  pink              ff 00 ff     255  00 255   1    0    1
+     | a.7  turquoise         00 ff ff       0 255 255   0    1    1
+     | a.8  white             ff ff ff     255 255 255   1    1    1
+     b) DEFINING COLOURS WITH SHADES (defined as FF & 80 in any order.)
+                             Hexadecimal     Decimal      In Percents
+                              -- -- --     --- --- ---   ---- ---- ----
+     | b.1) orange            ff 80 00     255 128   0   1     0.5  0
+     | b.2  yellowish-green   80 ff 00     128 255   0   0.5   1    0
+     | b.3  pinkish-blue      80 00 ff     128   0 255   0.5   0    1
+     |
+     | b.4) greenish-yellow   ff 80 00     128 255   0   1     0.5   0
+     |                                o o o
+     | b.15) xyz
+                             Hexadecimal     Decimal      In Percents
+                              -- -- --     --- --- ---   ---- ---- ----
+     | c.1) brown             80 40 00     128  64   0   0.5   0.25 0
+     | c.2) bluish-pink       80 00 70     128   0 255   0.5   0    0.43
+     |                                o o o
+                             Hexadecimal     Decimal      In Percents
+                              -- -- --     --- --- ---   ----- ----- -----        
+     | a.1) black             00 00 00       0   0   0   0     0     0
+     | d.1) grey              01 01 01       1   1   1   0.004 0.004 0.004
+     | d.2) grey              ab ab ab     171 171 171   1.49  1.49  1.49
+     |                                o o o
+     | d.253) xyz        
+     | a.8) white             ff ff ff     255 255 255   1     1     1
+     # However, these are only the defining colours composed of a limited set of
+     # byte values. If we would count all possible shades, there are over 16.7M 
+     # (million) combinations possible. 
-    (Since colours are listed in ascending order, do not be confused with row "1R" it is repeated for clarity, because it also belongs to a special group where all components have the same value. The smaller the value the darker grey we get, black being the darkest, and on the other side white - the brightest.)
+    (Since colours are listed in ascending order, do not be confused with the rows "a.1" and "a.8" in the last group. They are repeated for clarity, and also because they do belong to this last special group where all components have the same value. The smaller the value the darker grey we get, black being the darkest, and on the other side white - the brightest.)
         In the above table, we consistently use FF and 80 rather than FA and 7F (even when this is incorrect - i.e. the darkest orange or brown colours should have codes "ff fa 00" and "fa 7f 00" rather than "ff ff 00" and "ff 80 00", respectively) because they are easier to distinguish for human reader (easier for eyes), and the error (overlap) is tolerable. (FF, 80 only cause the overlap at the colour brake, which for human eye is unrecognizable, anyway.)

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