[Rubycocoa-devel 519] Fwd: Create tests for wrapped frameworks...

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Eloy Duran eloy.****@gmail*****
Sat Dec 23 09:30:08 JST 2006

And for the list...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eloy Duran <eloy.****@gmail*****>
Date: Dec 23, 2006 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: Create tests for wrapped frameworks...
To: Laurent Sansonetti <lsans****@apple*****>

> Yeah, I was really thinking/doubting about it too.
> But I think it's right, because what the ib_outlet does is
> it creates a reference to accessor of the view from the document right?
> But for the appcontroller to be able to access the accessor method
> you need to give it the right to do so.
> So it's confusing because there underneath each other,
> but both are for a complete different purpose.

Okay, this was me acting as if I can't communicate hahaha.

What I meant is; the ib_outlet let's the document access the view.
Whereas the attr_accessor makes sure that the appcontroller can access the
pdfView instance method of the document, which is then connected to the
view via the document...


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