[Rubycocoa-devel 728] bundle/plugin support API

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Fujimoto Hisa hisa****@fobj*****
Sat Feb 10 12:15:56 JST 2007


I'm still working on the bundle/plugin support, you can see in the
bundle-support branch, and it seems almost work good at least about
SIMBL and VoodooPad plugin, though it has a problem yet (see later). I
think the api spec may be able to freeze.

I'll merge these into the apple-unstable branch soon (today or a few
days later).

the API to initialze RubyCocoa and to load a ruby program for a
bundle/plugin in Objective-C side:

   BOOL RBBundleInit(
     const char* path,   // relative path to an initial ruby program
                         //   for the bundle.
     Class       klass,  // a objc-class binding with the bundle
     id          param); // additional parameter for you

An objective-c class, which is defined in a ruby program of the path
file, bind with the bundle.

And then, the ruby program which is passed by RBBundleInit is like:

   require 'osx/cocoa'

   OSX.init_for_bundle do

     | bundle,   # the bundle binding with the klass of RBBundleInit
       param,    # the param of RBBundleInit
       logger |  # simple logging utility for NSLog

     logger.info("bundle=%p param=%p", bundle.to_s, param.to_s)
     require 'my_class'

an error raised from the block is rescued by the init_for_bundle
itself and logging by NSLog, so you have not to care it.

currently two examples eixst:
   sample/VPRubyPluginEnabler - VoodooPad plugin enabler
   sample/RubyAnywhere        - SIMBL plugin

Well, a problem exists yet. Several constants and functions can not
access from ruby program loaded by RBBundleInit. theese are e.g.:

   NSApp, NSShiftKeyMask, NSRunAlertPanel, etc ...

we should fix these after the merge.


# btw, it may be better to merge the apple-unstable into the trunk
# already.

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