[Rubycocoa-devel 1044] Re: BOOL type encoding coflict objc <=> bridgesupport?

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Satoshi Nakagawa snaka****@infot*****
Sat Jun 30 00:07:54 JST 2007

Hi Laurent.

> No just a few minutes, the fix is very trivial as you can see (it's a  
> one line change in RBObject.m).

That's good :)

> No problem at all. I could anyway verify on my PowerBook G4 running  
> 10.4.9, but having a second verification wouldn't hurt.

I have tested again only on Intel, and updated the result:


It seems to work well on Intel.

Satoshi Nakagawa

On 2007/06/29, at 23:42, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:

> Hi Satoshi-san,
> On Jun 29, 2007, at 4:21 PM, Satoshi Nakagawa wrote:
>> Hi Laurent.
>> Wow great!
>> Have you been working over night?
> No just a few minutes, the fix is very trivial as you can see (it's a  
> one line change in RBObject.m).
>> Now I have only Intel machines at home.
>> I can do test on PPC machines only in my office.
>> So I will try again in next Monday.
>> Sorry for being late.
> No problem at all. I could anyway verify on my PowerBook G4 running  
> 10.4.9, but having a second verification wouldn't hurt.
> I think we should make a new release of RubyCocoa if this fix has been  
> verified as working. It's a bad regression :(
> Laurent
>> On 2007/06/29, at 23:10, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>>> Should be fixed by r1874.
>>>   * framework/src/objc/RBObject.m,
>>>     framework/src/objc/ocdata_conv.m,
>>>     tests/tc_bool.rb:
>>>   - Fixed a PPC regression when converting small integers (less than
>>> 4 bytes)
>>>     from a metadata-driven Ruby method (ex: an informal protocol
>>> method).
>>>   - Better generic Ruby -> ObjC boolean conversion, now trying to
>>> respect the
>>>     Ruby semantics. Ruby's true and false are converted as true and
>>> false,
>>>     all integers (including 0) are converted as true and nil as  
>>> false ;
>>>   - Added a test case (original code written by Kimura Wataru).
>>> Satoshi-san, can you verify?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Laurent
>>> On Jun 29, 2007, at 2:09 PM, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>>>> Thanks Satoshi-san for the detailed report, I'm now working on this,
>>>> in priority.
>>>> Laurent
>>>> On 6/29/07, Satoshi Nakagawa <snaka****@infot*****> wrote:
>>>>> Hi.
>>>>> As I reported in rubycocoa:0434,
>>>>> BOOL type conversions for informal protocol methods seem not to
>>>>> work well.
>>>>> I have done an overall testing for the BridgeSupport type  
>>>>> conversions
>>>>> around boolean values.
>>>>> You can see the result at:
>>>>> http://limechat.net/rubycocoa/bridge_test.html
>>>>> Kimura-san's test cases are for the cases of:
>>>>> - Ruby to Obj-C convertion (control_textView_doCommandBySelector)
>>>>> - no objc_method informal protocol
>>>>> on the results table.
>>>>> It shows if you replace "B" for "C" of
>>>>> 'control:textView:doCommandBySelector:',
>>>>> the conversion works normally (except a problem, 0 should be
>>>>> considered true).
>>>>> --
>>>>> Satoshi Nakagawa
>>>>> On 2007/06/29, at 0:26, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>>>>>> It's surely a regression in RubyCocoa, but it's normal that the
>>>>>> bridge
>>>>>> support files mention 'B' instead of 'c'. gen_bridge_metadata
>>>>>> automatically uses 'B' instead of 'c' for real boolean types  
>>>>>> (BOOL,
>>>>>> bool, etc...) so that RubyCocoa can differentiate real booleans
>>>>>> (BOOL)
>>>>>> than char types. Because @encode(BOOL) == @encode(char).
>>>>>> I will investigate the regression nevertheless. Thanks for the
>>>>>> report.
>>>>>> Laurent
>>>>>> On Jun 28, 2007, at 5:13 PM, kimura wataru wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I received a bug report [rubycocoa:0434](ja). This mail
>>>>>>> says an informal protocol method whose return type is BOOL
>>>>>>> do not works fine.
>>>>>>> I wrote a test code.
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> require 'osx/cocoa'
>>>>>>> require 'test/unit'
>>>>>>> class MyClass < OSX::NSObject
>>>>>>> attr_accessor :bool
>>>>>>> def control_textView_doCommandBySelector(control, textView, sel)
>>>>>>>  return @bool
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> #objc_method 'control:textView:doCommandBySelector:', 'c@:@@:' #
>>>>>>> (1)
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> class TCBool < Test::Unit::TestCase
>>>>>>> def test_informal_protocol
>>>>>>>  rcv = MyClass.alloc.init
>>>>>>>  rcv.bool = false
>>>>>>>  val = rcv.ocm_send(
>>>>>>>    'control:textView:doCommandBySelector:', nil,
>>>>>>>    nil, nil, '')
>>>>>>>  assert(!val) # fail on ppc Mac
>>>>>>>  rcv.bool = true
>>>>>>>  #$DEBUG = true
>>>>>>>  val = rcv.ocm_send(
>>>>>>>    'control:textView:doCommandBySelector:', nil,
>>>>>>>    nil, nil, '')
>>>>>>>  $DEBUG = false
>>>>>>>  assert(val)
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> def test_ruby
>>>>>>>  rcv = MyClass.alloc.init
>>>>>>>  rcv.bool = false
>>>>>>>  val = rcv.control_textView_doCommandBySelector(nil, nil, '')
>>>>>>>  assert(!val)
>>>>>>>  rcv.bool = true
>>>>>>>  val = rcv.control_textView_doCommandBySelector(nil, nil, '')
>>>>>>>  assert(val)
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> end
>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>> This code fails with RubyCocoa trunk(r1853) and MacOSX 10.4.8ppc.
>>>>>>> (succeeds on intel)
>>>>>>> * add invoking objc_method (1), then the all of tests were passed
>>>>>>> * edit AppKit.bridgesupport and modify the type encoding
>>>>>>> "B20 at 0:4 at 8@12:16" -> "c20 at 0:4 at 8@12:16" ("B" -> "c"), then
>>>>>>> the all of tests were passed
>>>>>>> I think the conflict of type encoding between objc-runtime and
>>>>>>> bridgesupport file causes this problem.
>>>>>>> ObjC BOOL is described as type encoding "c", not "B".
>>>>>>> "c" means signed char, and "B" means unsigned int.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> kimura wataru

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