[Rubycocoa-devel 1404] [ANN] RubyCocoa 1.0.0

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kimura wataru kimur****@i*****
Sat Jul 25 08:47:32 JST 2009


I am honored to announce the immediate release of RubyCocoa 1.0.0.

RubyCocoa is a Mac OS X framework that allows Cocoa programming in the
object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In other words, it is a
bridge that let you access Objective-C objects from Ruby, and vice-versa.

You can learn more about RubyCocoa on our website:


A source tarball as well as binary installers for Mac OS X 10.4 and
10.5 are provided.

This is mostly a bugs fix release, addressing a few critical issues. A
few enhancements are nevertheless available as well. All users are
encouraged to upgrade, and report us feedback.

Mac OS X 10.5, Leopard, is as you can see supported by this release.
Installing this release using the binary installer or manually with
the default build parameters won't override the system version of
RubyCocoa that ships with Leopard, it will go in /Library while the
system version is in /System.

(Very recently, the system version of RubyCocoa in Mac OS X 10.5 was
updated to 0.13.2, via software update.)

The release notes are following. Enjoy!


bug fixes 
- imcompatible NSString#split 
- cannot handle KVC/KVO autonotify 
- KVO willChangeValueForKey/didChangeValueForKey was invoked twice 
- NSBundle.bundleForClass: crashes on ruby uninitialized thread 
- libffi: ffi_call( return value buffer too small) 
- GraphicsContext.graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort_flipped crashes 
- DLOG macro: format string should be literal 
- avoid override Objective-C methods with syntax sugar methods
- crash with "[BUG] object allocation during garbage collection phase" on 10.5.7
- ruby 1.8.7 ready 
  - crash with "[BUG] object allocation during garbage collection phase" 
  - infinit loop of NSArray#count and NSDictionary#count 
  - behavior of basic Ruby classes' methods was changed in 1.8.7 
- new sample PassengerPane 
- better build settings for 10.5 
- support formal protocols (10.5 or later) 
- rake install task: check finish of building 
- rake package task: use concrete configure settings from package/config/ 

- change install destination of Xcode templates (enable templates on Xcode3.1) 
- add document for OSX.require_framework 
- fix failure of a test, test_loadlibs() 

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