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Description du projet

Easily switch between ANY sound device on your Windows PC. (Windows Vista and above only)

Using this application you can switch output OR input sound devices at the click of a button, or the press of a key.

I designed this application to be incredibly small and lightweight. There is no bloat, it does exactly what it should, nothing more, nothing less.

There is an inbuilt update checking system, or you can check manually. There aren't many updates as Audio Switcher is pretty mature.

Requirements: - Windows Vista/7/8 32-bit or 64-bit (Vista and 32-bit remains untested, but assumed working) - .NET 3.5

Have some great ideas for features you want added? Or maybe you just want to tell me how awesome it is? You can tweet at me @xenolightning and include #audioswitcher

Updated with a Donate Link. Audio Switcher is developed by me, for free, and will remain free; so why not buy me a beer for my efforts? :-D

Système requise

Système d'exploitation: Windows, Windows 7, Windows Vista

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readme.md 0.1 KB 2015-08-04 07:01 528
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readme.md0.1 KB2015-08-04 07:01528