Télécharger des DigitSpanTester-2-1-3-WinInstall.exe (DigitSpanTester-2-1-3-WinInstall.exe ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 741,021 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur DigitSpanTester-2-1-3-WinInstall.exe ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
741,021 octets

Description du projet

To perform automated digit span tests to evaluate on working memory function, especially in cognitive / neuro research. Hope to reduce practice effects and eliminate the need to use clinical assessments in research settings. Requires Java 7 or newer. Note that this is a research tool, and was not intended (and not evaluated) for clinical assessment.

FINAL VERSION: If you want more features, download the source and hack it yourself.

Ethics Note: Since this does not diagnose anything, label results as normal/abnormal, contain pre-made stimuli or anything from a published assessment, and neither tries to teach the task nor seems to do so (as some commercial products claim to do) I believe it is safe and acceptable in the public domain. (If this were not true, it wouldn't be here.)