Description du projet

Collection of several multi-purpose Java libraries. --- knowceans-tools = collection of Java utility classes. --- Highlights: --- org.knowceans.util: IndexQuickSort, TableList: apply order of one array/list to others +++ Vectors, ArrayUtils: array convenience +++ RandomSamplers, CokusRandom, ArmSampler, Densities: random sampling and distributions +++ Arguments: command line parser +++ StopWatch, Which, ExternalProcess: runtime stuff +++ ParallelFor: OpenMP workalike +++ PatternString, NamedGroupRegex: regex convenience --- org.knowceans.corpus: CorpusSearcher: full-text search engine +++ LabelNumCorpus: svmlight corpus storage and filtering +++ NIPS corpus with text, authors, labels and citations --- InvertibleHashMultiMap, BijectiveHashMap: implement n:m and 1:1 relations. --- Other libs: knowceans-arms = port of the Adaptive Rejection Metropolis Sampler (ARMS) for arbitrary distributions +++ lda-j = port of lda-c, implementing Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)


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