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Description du projet

Python Tk Gui Builder allows python programmers to build graphical user interfaces using the included Tkinter (tk) widgets without having to write the source code. They simply point and click on widgets and their options.

Système requise

Système d'exploitation: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..)

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Latest 5 files
Nom Taille Date Télécharger compter
README- 0.6 KB 2006-11-11 08:01 103
ptkgb- 567.9 KB 2006-11-11 08:01 212
README.tar.gz 0.6 KB 2006-11-10 08:16 28
ptkgb.tar.gz 573.1 KB 2006-11-10 08:09 81
ptkgb061108.tar.gz 573.1 KB 2006-11-10 08:07 8
All Files
README- KB2006-11-11 08:01103
ptkgb- KB2006-11-11 08:01212
README.tar.gz0.6 KB2006-11-10 08:1628
ptkgb.tar.gz573.1 KB2006-11-10 08:0981
ptkgb061108.tar.gz573.1 KB2006-11-10 08:078
ptkgb.msi3.2 MB2006-08-19 01:2623
MANUAL.zip1.8 MB2006-08-19 01:256