Télécharger des spl-tools-hudson-plugin_1.0.2_b20130320_01.hpi (spl-tools-hudson-plugin_1.0.2_b20130320_01.hpi ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 18,562,792 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur spl-tools-hudson-plugin_1.0.2_b20130320_01.hpi ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).
Stochastic Performance Logic (SPL) serves for capturing performance assumptions.
With SPL, it is possible to annotate Java functions with assumptions stating, for example, that the annotated function is at most three times slower than array copying. The assumption is then checked at build time in a similar way as standard unit testing. In other words, SPL is about introducing performance assert().
The advantage of SPL in comparison with other similar solutions includes following. SPL formulas uses well-defined logic and statistically sound testing (such as t-test). Next, SPL is aimed at automatic evaluation. And finally, SPL formulas uses relative comparisons (opposed to comparing against fixed time) to provide better portability.