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Description du projet

The Shmup Game is a highly configurable side-scrolling shmup (shoot-em-up) game that uses the XNA Game Studio 3.1 framework in C#.

Système requise

Système d'exploitation: Windows, Windows XP, Microsoft Xbox

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Latest 5 files
Nom Taille Date Télécharger compter
NET Framework 3.5 SP1.exe 237.1 MB 2010-05-07 02:47 763
TheShmupGame v0.1.zip 5.0 MB 2010-05-07 02:23 21
TheShmupGame v0.1.rar 4.9 MB 2010-05-07 02:23 6
XNA Game Studio 3.1.exe 74.9 MB 2010-05-07 02:12 69
Visual Studio Express (C#).exe 3.2 MB 2010-05-07 02:07 24
All Files
NET Framework 3.5 SP1.exe237.1 MB2010-05-07 02:47763
XNA Game Studio 3.1.exe74.9 MB2010-05-07 02:1269
Visual Studio Express (C#).exe3.2 MB2010-05-07 02:0724
TheShmupGame v0.1.zip5.0 MB2010-05-07 02:2321
TheShmupGame v0.1.rar4.9 MB2010-05-07 02:236