Télécharger des ws4d-java-cdc-full-dpws-debug-without-security.jar (ws4d-java-cdc-full-dpws-debug-without-security.jar ( lien externe: SourceForge.net): 1,086,290 octets) va bientôt commencer. Sinon, cliquez sur ws4d-java-cdc-full-dpws-debug-without-security.jar ( lien externe: SourceForge.net).

Informations sur le fichier

Taille du fichier
1,086,290 octets

Description du projet

JMEDS is a lightweight, modular and extendable software framework for using the "Devices Profile for Web-Services (DPWS)" in Java based environments. It runs on Java CLDC (e.g. on embedded devices), CDC, Android and SE platforms.

12.02.2014 v2.0.0 beta 10
fixed the EXI release and included schema files for EXI's schema informed mode,
multiple other bug fixes

Bugfix release of JMEDS Framework: v2.0.0 beta 9a

30.08.2013 v2.0.0 beta 9
New version of JMEDS Framework

We are doing our best to answer all questions from you and fix the bugs that are found as fast as we can! So don't hesitate to ask questions or report unexpected behaviour/bugs that you might find.

DPWS Explorer released on http://ws4d.e-technik.uni-rostock.de/dpws-explorer/