[Sie-announce] SIEコード [1687] 要素とオブジェクトを結びつける処理を追加

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2010年 2月 28日 (日) 20:12:02 JST

Revision: 1687
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2010-02-28 20:12:02 +0900 (Sun, 28 Feb 2010)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/ufltima/dom/svg.js
--- branches/ufltima/dom/svg.js	2010-02-28 10:31:16 UTC (rev 1686)
+++ branches/ufltima/dom/svg.js	2010-02-28 11:12:02 UTC (rev 1687)
@@ -2143,4 +2143,68 @@
 SVGForeignObjectElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGForeignObjectElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-//#endif  _SVG_IDL_
\ No newline at end of file
+//#endif  _SVG_IDL_
+ *本来であれば、SVGDocumentのcreateElementNSメソッドを上書きすることが望ましいが、
+ *SIEでは軽量化のために、マッピングを用いた
+ */
+DOMImplementation["http://www.w3.org/svg/2000"] = {
+  Document:        SVGDocument,
+  svg:             SVGSVGElement,
+  g:               SVGGElement,
+  path:            SVGPathElement,
+  title:           SVGTitleElement,
+  desc:            SVGDescElement,
+  defs:            SVGDefsElement,
+  linearGradient:  SVGLinearGradientElement,
+  radialGradient:  SVGRadialGradientElement,
+  stop:            SVGStopElement,
+  rect:            SVGRectElement,
+  circle:          SVGCircleElement,
+  ellipse:         SSVGEllipseElement,
+  polyline:        SSVGPolylineElement,
+  polygon:         SVGPolygonElement,
+  text:            SVGTextElement,
+  tspan:           SVGTspanElement,
+  image:           SVGImageElement,
+  line:            SVGLineElement,
+  a:               SVGAElement,
+  altGlyphDef:     SVGAltGlyphDefElement,
+  altGlyph:        SVGAltGlyphElement,
+  altGlyphItem:    SVGAltGlypItem,
+  animateColor:    SVGAnimateColorElement,
+  animate:         SVGAnimateElement,
+  animateMotion:   SVGAnimateMotionElement,
+  animateTransform:SVGAniamteTranformElement,
+  clipPath:        SVGClipPathElement,
+  colorProfile:    SVGColorProfileElement,
+  cursor:          SVGCurosrElement,
+  definitionSrc:   SVGDefinitionSrcElement,
+  feBlend:         SVGFEBlendElement,
+  feGaussianBlur:  SVGFEGaussianBlurElement,
+  filter:          SVGFilterElement,
+  font:            SVGFontElement,
+  "font-face":     SVGFontFaceElement,
+  "font-face-format":SVGFontFaceFormatElement,
+  "font-face-name":SVGFontFaceNameElement,
+  "font-face-src": SVGFontFaceSrcElement,
+  "font-face-uri": SVGFontFaceUriElement,
+  foreignObject:   SVGForeignObjectElement,
+  glyph:           SVGGlyphElement,
+  glyphRef:        SVGGlyphRefElement,
+  hkern:           SVGHKernElement,
+  marker:          SVGMarkerElement,
+  mask:            SVGMaskElement,
+  metadata:        SVGMetadataElement,
+  missingGlyph:    SVGMissingGlyphElement,
+  mpath:           SVGMPathElement,
+  script:          SVGScriptElement,
+  set:             SVGSetElement,
+  style:           SVGStyleElement,
+  "switch":        SVGSwitchElement,
+  textPath:        SVGTextPatElement,
+  tref:            SVGTrefElement,
+  use:             SVGUseElement,
+  view:            SVGViewElement,
+  vkern:           SVGVKernElement
\ No newline at end of file

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