[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2495] SVGSVGElementのgetScreenCTMメソッドのvar文について整理

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 3月 21日 (月) 20:19:24 JST

Revision: 2495
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-03-21 20:19:24 +0900 (Mon, 21 Mar 2011)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/07x/073/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
--- branches/07x/073/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-03-21 11:12:45 UTC (rev 2494)
+++ branches/07x/073/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-03-21 11:19:24 UTC (rev 2495)
@@ -1278,21 +1278,32 @@
   if (!!this._cacheScreenCTM) { //キャッシュがあれば
     return (this._cacheScreenCTM);
-  var vw = this.viewport.width, vh = this.viewport.height;
+  var vw = this.viewport.width,
+      vh = this.viewport.height,
+      vB, par, m, vbx, vby, vbw, vbh, rw, rh, xr, yr, tx, ty, ttps;
   if (!this.useCurrentView) {
-    var vB = this.viewBox.baseVal, par = this.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal;    
+    vB = this.viewBox.baseVal;
+    par = this.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal;    
   } else {
-    var vB = this.currentView.viewBox.baseVal, par = this.currentView.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal;
+    vB = this.currentView.viewBox.baseVal;
+    par = this.currentView.preserveAspectRatio.baseVal;
   if (!!!vB._isUsed) { //viewBox属性が指定されていなければ
     this._tx = this._ty = 0;
-    var m = this.createSVGMatrix();
+    m = this.createSVGMatrix();
     this._cacheScreenCTM = m; //キャッシュを作っておく
     return m;
   } else {
-    var vbx = vB.x, vby = vB.y, vbw = vB.width, vbh = vB.height;
-    var rw = vw / vbw, rh = vh / vbh;
-    var xr = 1, yr = 1, tx = 0, ty = 0;
+    vbx = vB.x;
+    vby = vB.y;
+    vbw = vB.width;
+    vbh = vB.height;
+    rw = vw / vbw;
+    rh = vh / vbh;
+    xr = 1;
+    yr = 1;
+    tx = 0;
+    ty = 0;
     if (par.align === 1) { //none
       xr = rw;
       yr = rh;
@@ -1336,13 +1347,14 @@
   this._tx = tx;
   this._ty = ty;
-  var ttps =  this._tar.style;
+  ttps =  this._tar.style;
   ttps.marginLeft = tx+ "px";
   ttps.marginTop = ty+ "px";
-  var m = this.createSVGMatrix();
+  m = this.createSVGMatrix();
   m.a = xr;
   m.d = yr;
   this._cacheScreenCTM = m; //キャッシュを作っておく
+  vw = vh = vB = par = vbx = vby = vbw = vbh = rw = rh = xr = yr = tx = ty = ttps = null;
   return m;

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