[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2663] SVGPathElementにおいて、配列の挿入を、lengthプロパティ方式からpush関数方式に切り替えて軽量化

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 5月 8日 (日) 19:28:24 JST

Revision: 2663
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-05-08 19:28:24 +0900 (Sun, 08 May 2011)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/07x/077/org/w3c/dom/svg.js
--- branches/07x/077/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-05-08 10:26:58 UTC (rev 2662)
+++ branches/07x/077/org/w3c/dom/svg.js	2011-05-08 10:28:24 UTC (rev 2663)
@@ -2972,13 +2972,13 @@
     } else if (!isZ[tps]) {
       t += _parseInt(ma*ti.x + mc*ti.y + me, 10)+ " " +_parseInt(mb*ti.x + md*ti.y + mf, 10);
-    dat[i] = t;
+    dat.push(t);
   var vi = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement,
       w = vi.width.baseVal.value,
       h = vi.height.baseVal.value,
       tt = tar._tar;
-  dat[dat.length] = " e";
+  dat.push(" e");
   tt.path = dat.join(" ");
   tt.coordsize = w + " " + h;
   NAIBU._setPaint(tar, matrix);

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