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Passing Dynamic Variable from SAP to teraterm (2012-09-23 23:28 by ssb1994 #65601)
I am an SAP Developer and new to Teraterm . I am trying to pass a string from SAP to Teraterm 4.75 version. Here is my scenario.
I want to send a dynamic text message to Teraterm VT from SAP.
I could connect to the ip address with teraterm . I need to dynamically pass this text from SAP to the teraterm vt.
I am executing a batch file to execute the teraterm.exe file from SAP which opens the window.
Now to pass the dynamic text from sap to teraterm Vt, are there any commands that I can write in the batch file. Or should I create a new macro and call macro from the batch file.
If I have to create a macro, how can I create a new macro with ttl extension. Can I just type the command in notepad and save as ttl and place the file in the directory of teraterm.exe file .
I have the facility to provide the text as variable from sAP to pass to the batch file. How can I capture this variable and execute the macro.
Should teraterm commands be executed in a specific order .
I appreciate if someone can respond to my query. Thank you very much.
RE: Passing Dynamic Variable from SAP to teraterm (2012-09-25 07:45 by ssb1994 #65615)
Ok, I figured out the way to send my data from SAP to Teraterm Vt . However I do have one question. Is it possible to capture the parameter value from Command prompt and pass to teraterm terminal. I understand we can pass 8 different parameters. But the parameter that is available in command prompt in the form of %1 and can I pass this value as it is in my command to call the teraterm window.