Ticket #31290

Ideas for Stress

Date d'ouverture: 2013-05-05 04:21 Dernière mise à jour: 2013-06-09 23:32

Ouvert [Owner assigned]
5 - moyen


At the moment, stress only seems to freeze up the game as soon as it hits above 100%. Some measures could be taken to make it increasingly difficult to reach 100%:

- Yukkuri babies die off randomly above a certain stress level, and the death rate increases as the stress levels rise. Perhaps above a high stress level the young and the adult yukkuri would be affected as well.

- The chances of a successful refresh become lower and lower, gradually hitting 0 above a certain stress level. Maybe above some level the adults can no longer be turned on with the vibrator.

- Bodies despawn, or rot into poo-poo or something resembling it after some time. After despawning/rotting the bodies no longer count against the stress tally.

These also help to make the stress feel more real than just being a statistic, alike damage and hunger.

Ticket History (3/3 Histories)

2013-05-05 04:21 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Ideas for Stress" created
2013-05-05 20:27 Updated by: mimisuke
  • Type Update from Bogues to Demandes de fonctionnalités
  • Propriétaire Update from (Aucun) to mimisuke
2013-06-09 23:32 Updated by: mimisuke

(匿名) への返信

At the moment, stress only seems to freeze up the game as soon as it hits above 100%. Some measures could be taken to make it increasingly difficult to reach 100%: - Yukkuri babies die off randomly above a certain stress level, and the death rate increases as the stress levels rise. Perhaps above a high stress level the young and the adult yukkuri would be affected as well. - The chances of a successful refresh become lower and lower, gradually hitting 0 above a certain stress level. Maybe above some level the adults can no longer be turned on with the vibrator. - Bodies despawn, or rot into poo-poo or something resembling it after some time. After despawning/rotting the bodies no longer count against the stress tally. These also help to make the stress feel more real than just being a statistic, alike damage and hunger.

Thank you for your suggestions. These are interesting for me. I will implement it in the next version.

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