Description du projet

【pak128】SIS景観道路開発プロジェクト 交通シミュレーションゲーム「Simutrans」の道路追加ファイル(アドオン)を開発 景観に配慮した高速道路及び一般道路を共同で製作


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2014-07-15 00:24
Évaluation de Simutraner

Évaluation :
(1$ de 12 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
the stree road version can I have right-sided traffic version please:)?

2014-07-13 17:33
Évaluation de Simutraners

Évaluation :
(1$ de 13 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
shirakami701 Really Thanks you. Finally back from study and able to play simutrans again:) The Most Surprise is that Right-Sided Traffic Pack is finally COME OUT!!!! I can make my world BETTER with SIS Road Project!!! shirakami Really Thanks! I love you:))) XD
- Make highway systems better - Idol for highway-holic - A good New Creative idea for pak128 highway project
- No Cons Sorry XD

2014-02-13 22:56
Évaluation de Simutraner

Évaluation :
(1$ de 17 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
Good Project. But can anyone make a pack that for right-sided traffic? In fact, I come from Western countries. I wanna want one. In general, I LOVE this project a lot:) Thanks :D
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SIS Road Project
[File Release] Package ' [Public] EIS ExpressWay イージー景観高速道路ソース' has been deleted
SIS Road Project
[File Release] Package ' [Work] SIS LocalStreet Signs (一般道路 標識)' has been deleted
SIS Road Project
[File Release] Package '[Public Bate] SIS ExpressWay.Pak(β) 112.3用' has been deleted
SIS Road Project
[File Release] Package '[Public Bate] SIS ExpressWay.Pak(β) 緩急坂対応' has been deleted
SIS Road Project
[File Release] Package '[Public] SIS ExpressWay (Right-sided Traffic version)' has been deleted
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