Description du projet

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Stew is the database (SQL) tool with JDBC.

It has the following features:

  • Requires only Core Libraries except JDBC drivers.
  • Console Mode. Not only GUI.
  • Never keep the cursor: Statement and ResultSet will be released immediately.
  • Uses only Core APIs.
  • No dependency (version 2 and later): No DBMS specific code.
  • Supports Windows, MacOSX and Linux (version 3 and later): Excepts "dock mode" on MacOSX.


To install this software, all you need to do is extracting the archive file. To uninstall this software, you need to delete installed files and a ".stew" dir. To see the location of "... Montrer comment installer


GUI起動方法: ※バージョン4.xには起動スクリプト(,stew.bat)は付属していません。起動スクリプトが必要な場合は、バージョン3.x系のパッケージに含まれていますので、そちらから入手してください。 ひとつ... Show Usage


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