Avis de projet

URL: https://osdn.net/projects/svgdelphidxcme/reviews/rss
Updates of Project Reviews

Tickets RSS List

URL: https://osdn.net/ticket/link_list.php?group_id=11339
Ticket system provides various RSS feeds. You can find the RSS file for frequently used search queries in the list on the page of the link above. You can also get RSS for the search queries personally specified by you, and RSS for each ticket. For more details, go to the page of this link/help.


URL: https://osdn.net/export/rss_milestone.php?group_id=11339
Milestone List Update RSS

Historique du projet

URL: https://osdn.net/projects/svgdelphidxcme/history/rss
History of project activities. (RSS2.0)