I've been using this for years to backup my windows disk drive. Using "dd" I can get a binary copy of everything, including the master boot record, partition table, etc. My disk crashed recently, and I was able to upload my image to the new disk and it worked like a charm! Did NOT have to reinstall all my programs or re-enter any software licenses.
The software is completely self-contained. No need for an internet connection and no need to download any packages. Which is really good if your trying to resurrect a broken computer.
The more Linux you know, the better. With simple instructions you can do many tasks, but Linux can be frustrating if you have never used it before. Also, you'll need to know how to get in to your BIOS and change the boot disk to point to the dvd-drive. I know Linux quite well, and I had to try my backup a few times to get it to do exactly what I wanted. If you're a Linux geek, you'll love it.