Description du projet

Tiny blocker of Windows tracking and telemetry written in plain C++/Win32 API. Just run once as admin and forget. No questions asked. Safe and open source.

Official Site for latest news, source code and binary downloads:

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2021-12-22 19:46
Évaluation de Jouliette20

Évaluation :
(1$ de 0 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
Thank you very much for the program. First time I can run once and forget about spying...

2021-12-13 18:19
Évaluation de federicadomani

Évaluation :
(1$ de 0 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile)
Among all other Windows tracking blockers, the one I have implemented is the most honest and minimalist.
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