[tomoyo-users-en 599] disable the execution of files in a directory

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Ак Лк kurte****@gmail*****
Fri May 23 23:05:47 JST 2014


I tried to disable the execution of files in a directory /home using Tomoyo

My exception_policy.conf

path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 /
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 /\*\-home
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 /\{\*\}\-home/
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 /\{\*\}\-home/\*
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 \*\-home:/
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 \*\-home:/\*
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 \*\-home:/\{\*\}/
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 \*\-home:/\{\*\}/\*
path_group ANY_PATHNAME2 \*\-home:[\$]
acl_group 4 file execute @ANY_PATHNAME2

My domain_policy.conf

use_profile 4
use_group 4

My profile.conf

4-COMMENT=-----Enforcing file::execute only-----
4-PREFERENCE={ max_audit_log=1024 max_learning_entry=2048 }
4-CONFIG::file::execute={ mode=enforcing grant_log=no reject_log=no }

But it not working

#kernel panic: switch_root can't execute sbin/init

what was my mistake?

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