[tomoyo-users 848] Re: WARNING メッセージの種類

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早間義博 yossi****@yedo*****
2011年 5月 28日 (土) 12:55:22 JST


> > 
> > ドメイン名については allow_execute で指定されたパス名を利用しており、
> > allow_execute ではシンボリックリンク解決前のパス名を用いているため、
> > <kernel> /usr/bin/kterm /usr/bin/perl5.12.3 のようなドメイン名にはならないと
> > 思うのですが?
> > 
> > −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
> >
> allow_execute /usr/bin/perl5.12.3 
> <kernel> /usr/bin/kterm /usr/bin/perl5.12.3 
> がありますが、 これは手作業で
> allow_execute /usr/bin/perl5.12.3
> を入れた結果ですか。
> 全部  /usr/bin/perl に修正してみます。

tomoyo-editpolicy で swatch は次のようになっていました。
 1080:  2  *      /usr/bin/swatch
 1081:  2             /usr/bin/perl5.12.3
 1082:  2                 /bin/date
 1083:  2                 /bin/tail
 1084:  2                 /usr/bin/tail
 1085:  2                 /usr/local/bin/swatchmail
 1086:  2                     /usr/bin/uname
                              /usr/local/bin/pmail.pl ( -> 1089 )

<<< Domain Policy Editor >>>      21 entries    '?' for help

<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch
    0: allow_ioctl   /dev/console 0x5401
    1: allow_ioctl   /dev/null 0x5401
    2: allow_ioctl   /dev/pts/\$ 0x5401
    3: allow_read    /dev/urandom
    4: allow_read    /home/heart/Alive/\*
    5: allow_ioctl   /home/heart/Alive/\* 0x5401
    6: allow_unlink  /root/.swatch_script.\$
    7: allow_write   /root/.swatch_script.\$
    8: allow_create  /root/.swatch_script.\$ 0644
    9: allow_ioctl   /root/.swatch_script.\$ 0x5401
   10: allow_ioctl   /tmp/mfl.\$ 0x5401
   11: allow_execute /usr/bin/perl5.12.3
   12: allow_read    /usr/bin/perl5.12.3
   13: allow_read    /usr/bin/swatch
   14: allow_ioctl   /usr/bin/swatch 0x5401
   15: allow_read    /usr/lib/gconv/EUC-JP.so
   16: allow_read    /usr/lib/gconv/libJIS.so
   17: allow_read    /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
   18: allow_read    /usr/lib/perl5/\{\*\}/\*
   19: allow_ioctl   /usr/lib/perl5/\{\*\}/\* 0x5401
   20: allow_read    /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo

 1080:  2  *      /usr/bin/swatch
 1081:  2             /usr/bin/perl
 1082:  2                 /bin/date
 1083:  2                 /bin/tail
 1084:  2                 /usr/bin/tail
 1085:  2                 /usr/local/bin/swatchmail
 1086:  2                     /usr/bin/uname
                              /usr/local/bin/pmail.pl ( -> 1089 )

<<< Domain Policy Editor >>>      21 entries    '?' for help

<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch
    0: allow_ioctl   /dev/console 0x5401
    1: allow_ioctl   /dev/null 0x5401
    2: allow_ioctl   /dev/pts/\$ 0x5401
    3: allow_read    /dev/urandom
    4: allow_read    /home/heart/Alive/\*
    5: allow_ioctl   /home/heart/Alive/\* 0x5401
    6: allow_unlink  /root/.swatch_script.\$
    7: allow_write   /root/.swatch_script.\$
    8: allow_create  /root/.swatch_script.\$ 0644
    9: allow_ioctl   /root/.swatch_script.\$ 0x5401
   10: allow_ioctl   /tmp/mfl.\$ 0x5401
   11: allow_execute /usr/bin/perl
   12: allow_read    /usr/bin/perl
   13: allow_read    /usr/bin/swatch
   14: allow_ioctl   /usr/bin/swatch 0x5401
   15: allow_read    /usr/lib/gconv/EUC-JP.so
   16: allow_read    /usr/lib/gconv/libJIS.so
   17: allow_read    /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
   18: allow_read    /usr/lib/perl5/\{\*\}/\*
   19: allow_ioctl   /usr/lib/perl5/\{\*\}/\* 0x5401
   20: allow_read    /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo

 1080:  2  *      /usr/bin/swatch
 1081:  2             /usr/bin/perl
 1082:  2                 /bin/date
 1083:  2                 /bin/tail
 1084:  2                 /usr/bin/tail
 1085:  2                 /usr/local/bin/swatchmail
 1086:  2                     /usr/bin/uname
                              /usr/local/bin/pmail.pl ( -> 1094 )
 1087:  2             /usr/bin/perl5.12.3
 1088:  2                 /bin/date
 1089:  2                 /bin/tail

<<< Domain Policy Editor >>>      21 entries    '?' for help

<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch
    0: allow_ioctl   /dev/console 0x5401
    1: allow_ioctl   /dev/null 0x5401
    2: allow_ioctl   /dev/pts/\$ 0x5401
    3: allow_read    /dev/urandom
    4: allow_read    /home/heart/Alive/\*
    5: allow_ioctl   /home/heart/Alive/\* 0x5401
    6: allow_unlink  /root/.swatch_script.\$
    7: allow_write   /root/.swatch_script.\$
    8: allow_create  /root/.swatch_script.\$ 0644
    9: allow_ioctl   /root/.swatch_script.\$ 0x5401
   10: allow_ioctl   /tmp/mfl.\$ 0x5401
   11: allow_execute /usr/bin/perl
   12: allow_read    /usr/bin/perl
   13: allow_read    /usr/bin/swatch
   14: allow_ioctl   /usr/bin/swatch 0x5401
   15: allow_read    /usr/lib/gconv/EUC-JP.so
   16: allow_read    /usr/lib/gconv/libJIS.so
   17: allow_read    /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
   18: allow_read    /usr/lib/perl5/\{\*\}/\*
   19: allow_ioctl   /usr/lib/perl5/\{\*\}/\* 0x5401
   20: allow_read    /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/libc.mo


tomoyo-loadpolicy fd で実行したのですが
<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch /usr/bin/perl5.12.3
<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch /usr/bin/perl5.12.3 /bin/date
<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch /usr/bin/perl5.12.3 /bin/tail

<kernel> /usr/bin/swatch /usr/bin/perl5.12.3 /usr/local/bin/swatchmail

は作られず、log は WARNING で溢れかえって(と言っても 20000 位)いま
domain.policy.conf を以前の状態に戻すと平穏になりました。

-- 早間

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