[Ultrapossum-cvs 376] demo/haviewer 1.10, 1.11, haviewer.glade 1.22, 1.23, haviewer.rb

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Masato Taruishi taru****@users*****
2004年 9月 10日 (金) 00:45:14 JST

RCS file: demo/haviewer/haviewer.glade,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.10 -r1.11
--- demo/haviewer/haviewer.glade	2004/09/09 13:03:32	1.10
+++ demo/haviewer/haviewer.glade	2004/09/09 15:45:13	1.11
@@ -392,13 +392,13 @@
-			<widget class="GtkEntry" id="entry1">
+			<widget class="GtkEntry" id="monitor_entry">
 			  <property name="visible">True</property>
 			  <property name="can_focus">True</property>
 			  <property name="editable">True</property>
 			  <property name="visibility">True</property>
 			  <property name="max_length">0</property>
-			  <property name="text" translatable="yes">cn=test,o=ultrapossum</property>
+			  <property name="text" translatable="yes">cn=u0001,o=ultrapossum</property>
 			  <property name="has_frame">True</property>
 			  <property name="invisible_char" translatable="yes">*</property>
 			  <property name="activates_default">False</property>
RCS file: demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.22 -r1.23
--- demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb	2004/09/09 14:55:09	1.22
+++ demo/haviewer/haviewer.rb	2004/09/09 15:45:13	1.23
@@ -95,11 +95,6 @@
   class Host
-    OID = "private.12345"  # .2.101.1"
-    OID_STATUS = OID + ".1.1.0"
-    OID_PID = OID + ".1.2.0"
-    OID_SINCE = OID + ".1.3.0"
     def initialize( host, type )
       @host = host;
@@ -108,51 +103,12 @@
       @type = type
-    def snmp
-      statusbuf = nil
-      pidbuf = nil
-      sincebuf = nil
-      puts "snmpget -v1 -t 3 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID_STATUS} #{OID_PID} #{OID_SINCE}" if $DEBUG
-      buf = `snmpget -v1 -t 3 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID_STATUS} #{OID_PID} #{OID_SINCE}`
-      buf.each_line do |line|
-        case line
-	when /#{OID_STATUS}/
-          statusbuf = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.*)"\n/, '\1')
-	  statusbuf = "-----" if statusbuf.size == 0
-        when /#{OID_PID}/
-          pidbuf = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.*)"\n/, '\1')
-	  pidbuf = "-----" if pidbuf.size == 0
-	when /#{OID_SINCE}/
-          sincebuf = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.*)"\n/, '\1')
-	  sincebuf = "-----" if sincebuf.size == 0
-	end
-      end
-      @status = statusbuf
-      @pid = pidbuf
-      @since = sincebuf
-      c = ""
-      case @status
-      when "DEAD"
-        c = Red
-      when "STOP"
-        c = Red
-      when "ACTIVE"
-        c = Green
-      when "FAOVER"
-        c = Yellow
-      when "STANDBY"
-        c = Green
-      when "RUN"
-        c = Green
-      end
-      @sign.on(c)
+    def update
     attr_reader :row, :host, :sign
-    attr_accessor :type, :status, :pid, :since
+    attr_accessor :type
   class View
@@ -166,46 +122,121 @@
     class UltraPossum < View
-      Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "Pid", "Since" ]
+      class UltraPossumHost < Host
-      def initialize(haview)
-        super
-        @list = Gtk::ListStore.new( String, String, String, String, String, String)
-        @columns = []
-        Column.size.times do |i|
-          @columns << Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(Column[i], Gtk::CellRendererText.new, { :markup => i })
+        OID = "private.12345"  # .2.101.1"
+        OID_STATUS = OID + ".1.1.0"
+        OID_PID = OID + ".1.2.0"
+        OID_SINCE = OID + ".1.3.0"
+        def update
+	  snmp
+	  monitor_entry
+	end
+        def monitor_entry
+	  @entryCSN = ""
+	  `ldapsearch -x -h #{@host} -b  cn=u0001,o=ultrapossum -s base -LLL +`.each_line do |line|
+            case line
+	    when /entryCSN: (.+)/
+              @entryCSN = $1
+	    end
+	  end
+	end
+        def snmp
+          statusbuf = nil
+          pidbuf = nil
+          sincebuf = nil
+          puts "snmpget -v1 -t 3 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID_STATUS} #{OID_PID} #{OID_SINCE}" if $DEBUG
+          buf = `snmpget -v1 -t 3 -c ultrapossum #{@host} #{OID_STATUS} #{OID_PID} #{OID_SINCE}`
+          buf.each_line do |line|
+            case line
+    	    when /#{OID_STATUS}/
+              statusbuf = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.*)"\n/, '\1')
+	      statusbuf = "-----" if statusbuf.size == 0
+            when /#{OID_PID}/
+              pidbuf = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.*)"\n/, '\1')
+	      pidbuf = "-----" if pidbuf.size == 0
+    	    when /#{OID_SINCE}/
+              sincebuf = line.gsub(/^[^"]+"(.*)"\n/, '\1')
+	      sincebuf = "-----" if sincebuf.size == 0
+	    end
+          end
+          @status = statusbuf
+          @pid = pidbuf
+          @since = sincebuf
+          c = ""
+          case @status
+          when "DEAD"
+            c = Red
+          when "STOP"
+            c = Red
+          when "ACTIVE"
+            c = Green
+          when "FAOVER"
+            c = Yellow
+          when "STANDBY"
+            c = Green
+          when "RUN"
+            c = Green
+          end
+          @sign.on(c)
-	@row = {} 
-	hash = {}
-	`ultrapossum-config get MASTER BACKUP SYNCBACKUPS`.each_line do |line|
-	  host = nil
-	  case line
-	  when /(MASTER|BACKUP|SYNCBACKUPS)="(.+)"\n/
-	    $2.split(' ').each do |s|
-	      host = Host.new(s,"master")
+        attr_accessor :status, :pid, :since, :entryCSN
+      end
+      UltraPossumHosts = []
+      begin
+        hash = {}
+        `ultrapossum-config get MASTER BACKUP SYNCBACKUPS`.each_line do |line|
+        host = nil
+        case line
+          when /(MASTER|BACKUP|SYNCBACKUPS)="(.+)"\n/
+            $2.split(' ').each do |s|
+              host = UltraPossumHost.new(s,"master")
               if hash[s].nil?
-	        @row[host] =****@list*****
-	        Hosts << host
+	        UltraPossumHosts << host
+		Hosts << host
 	        hash[s] = host
-	  end
-	end
+          end
+        end
 	`ultrapossum-config get SLAVES`.each_line do |line|
 	  host = nil
 	  case line
 	  when /SLAVES="(.+)"\n/
 	    $1.split(' ').each do |s|
-	      host = Host.new(s,"slave")
+	      host = UltraPossumHost.new(s,"slave")
               if hash[s].nil?
 	        @row[host] =****@list*****
-	        Hosts << host
+	        UltraPossumHosts << host
+		Hosts << host
 	        hash[s] = host
+      end
+      Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "Pid", "Since" ]
+      def initialize(haview)
+        super
+        @list = Gtk::ListStore.new( String, String, String, String, String, String)
+        @columns = []
+        Column.size.times do |i|
+          @columns << Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(Column[i], Gtk::CellRendererText.new, { :markup => i })
+        end
+	@row = {}
+	UltraPossumHosts.each do |host|
+          @row[host] =****@list*****
+	end
         @master_icon = Signal::SignalFactory.create
         @slave_icon = Signal::SignalFactory.create
         columns.each do |val|
@@ -227,7 +258,7 @@
       def summary
         master = ""
         slave = ""
-        Hosts.each do |h|
+        UltraPossumHosts.each do |h|
           if h.type == "master"
             case h.status
             when "ACTIVE"
@@ -262,23 +293,33 @@
       attr_reader :list, :columns
-    end
-    class UltraPossumTest < View
+      class EntryView < View
-     Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "entryCSN" ]
+       Column = ["S", "Host", "Type", "Status", "entryCSN" ]
-      def initialize(haview)
-        super
-        @list = Gtk::ListStore.new( String, String, String, String, String )
-        @columns = []
-        Column.size.times do |i|
-          @columns << Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(Column[i], Gtk::CellRendererText.new, { :markup => i })
-        end
-        @columns.each do |val|
-          @glade["treeview2"].append_column(val)
+        def initialize(haview)
+          super
+          @list = Gtk::ListStore.new( String, String, String, String, String )
+          @columns = []
+          Column.size.times do |i|
+            @columns << Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(Column[i], Gtk::CellRendererText.new, { :markup => i })
+          end
+  	  @row = {}
+	  UltraPossumHosts.each do |host|
+            @row[host] =****@list*****
+	  end
+          @columns.each do |val|
+            @glade["treeview2"].append_column(val)
+          end
+          @glade["treeview2"].set_model(@list)
-        @glade["treeview2"].set_model(@list)
+        def update(host)
+          @list.set_value(@row[host], 1, host.host)
+          @list.set_value(@row[host], 2, host.type)
+          @list.set_value(@row[host], 4, host.entryCSN)
+	end
@@ -310,7 +351,7 @@
 haview = HAViewer.new('haviewer.glade')
 haview.add_view( HAViewer::View::UltraPossum.new(haview) )
-haview.add_view( HAViewer::View::UltraPossumTest.new(haview) )
+haview.add_view( HAViewer::View::UltraPossum::EntryView.new(haview) )
 HAViewer::Hosts.each do |host|
   haview.views.each do |view|
@@ -318,7 +359,7 @@
   Thread.new {
     while(1) do
-      host.snmp
+      host.update
       haview.views.each do |view|

Ultrapossum-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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