[X-tt-list:109] Re: (patch seq: 5752) A patch for preventing XAA crash

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David Dawes dawes****@XFree*****
2003年 8月 16日 (土) 10:02:46 JST

On Sat, Aug 16, 2003 at 07:29:15AM +0900, Koike Kazuhiko wrote:
>On 08/15/2003 09:23 PM, David Dawes wrote:
>>>Index: xaaPCache.c
>>>RCS file: /home/x-cvs/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/xaa/xaaPCache.c,v
>>>retrieving revision 1.30
>>>diff -u -r1.30 xaaPCache.c
>>>--- xaaPCache.c	25 Sep 2000 23:56:14 -0000	1.30
>>>+++ xaaPCache.c	15 Aug 2003 02:18:24 -0000
>>>@@ -763,6 +763,7 @@
>>>	1) Don't take up more than half the memory.
>>>	2) Don't bother if you can't get at least four.
>>>	3) Don't make more than MAX_512.
>>>+	4) Don't have any of there are no 256x256s.
>>>     256x256 -
>>>	1) Don't take up more than a quarter of the memory enless there
>>>@@ -785,6 +786,13 @@
>>>    if(!Target512) Target256 = ntotal >> 3;
>>>    else Target256 = ntotal >> 4;
>>>    if(Target256 < 4) Target256 = 0;
>>>+    if(Num512 && !Num256) {
>>>+	while(Num512 && Num256 < Target256) {
>>>+	   SubdivideList(&List512, &List256);
>>>+	   Num256 += 4; Num512--;
>>>+	}
>>>+    }
>>>    if(!Num512) { /* no room */
>>>    } else if((Num512 < 4) || (!Target512)) {
>> It occurred to me this morning that 'if(Num512 && !Num256)' needs to
>> be 'if(Num512 && Num256 < 4)'.  The case that was reported had Num256
>> initially 3, not 0.
>> David
>I applied your patch. That seems to work fine. My X doesn't crash.

Thanks for the feedback and for the report and debugging information.
I'll commit the fix.

David Dawes
Founder/committer/developer                     The XFree86 Project

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