[xoops-cvslog 3676] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 7月 26日 (水) 19:53:00 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyCancelAction.class.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyCancelAction.class.php:
--- /dev/null	Wed Jul 26 19:53:00 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyCancelAction.class.php	Wed Jul 26 19:53:00 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ * @package Legacy
+ * @version $Id: NotifyCancelAction.class.php,v 2006/07/26 10:53:00 minahito Exp $
+ */
+if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
+class Legacy_NotifyCancelAction extends Legacy_Action
+	function getDefaultView(&$contoller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		$contoller->executeForward(XOOPS_URL);
+	}
+	function execute(&$contoller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		$contoller->executeForward(XOOPS_URL);
+	}
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyDeleteAction.class.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyDeleteAction.class.php:
--- /dev/null	Wed Jul 26 19:53:00 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyDeleteAction.class.php	Wed Jul 26 19:53:00 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+ * @package Legacy
+ * @version $Id: NotifyDeleteAction.class.php,v 2006/07/26 10:53:00 minahito Exp $
+ */
+if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
+require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/include/notification_functions.php";
+require_once XOOPS_MODULE_PATH . "/base/forms/NotifyDeleteForm.class.php";
+ * List up notifications. This action is like notifications.php (when $op is
+ * 'list').
+ */
+class Legacy_NotifyDeleteAction extends Legacy_Action
+	var $mModules = array();
+	var $mActionForm = null;
+	var $mErrorMessage = null;
+	function prepare(&$controller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		$controller->mRoot->mLanguageManager->loadPageTypeMessageCatalog('notification');
+		$controller->mRoot->mLanguageManager->loadModuleMessageCatalog('base');
+		$this->mActionForm =& new Legacy_NotifyDeleteForm();
+		$this->mActionForm->prepare();
+	}
+	function hasPerm(&$controller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		return is_object($xoopsUser);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * This member function is a special case. Because the confirm is must, it
+	 * uses token error for displaying confirm.
+	 */	
+	function execute(&$contoller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		$this->mActionForm->fetch();
+		$this->mActionForm->validate();
+		//
+		// If input values are error, the action form returns fatal error flag.
+		// If it's not fatal, display confirm form.
+		//
+		if ($this->mActionForm->hasError()) {
+			return $this->mActionForm->mFatalError ? LEGACY_FRAME_VIEW_ERROR : LEGACY_FRAME_VIEW_INPUT;
+		}
+		//
+		// Execute deleting.
+		//
+		$successFlag = true;
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
+		foreach ($this->mActionForm->mNotifiyIds as $t_idArr) {
+			$t_notify =& $handler->get($t_idArr['id']);
+			if (is_object($t_notify) && $t_notify->get('not_uid') == $xoopsUser->get('uid') && $t_notify->get('not_modid') == $t_idArr['modid']) {
+				$successFlag = $successFlag & $handler->delete($t_notify);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	function executeViewInput(&$controller, &$xoopsUser, &$render)
+	{
+		$render->setTemplateName("legacy_notification_delete.html");
+		$render->setAttribute('actionForm', $this->mActionForm);
+	}
+	function executeViewSuccess(&$controller, &$xoopsUser, &$render)
+	{
+		$controller->executeForward(XOOPS_URL . "/notifications.php");
+	}
+	function executeViewError(&$controller, &$xoopsUser, &$render)
+	{
+		$controller->executeRedirect(XOOPS_URL . "/notifications.php", 2, _NOT_NOTHINGTODELETE);
+	}
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyListAction.class.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyListAction.class.php:
--- /dev/null	Wed Jul 26 19:53:00 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/actions/NotifyListAction.class.php	Wed Jul 26 19:53:00 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * @package Legacy
+ * @version $Id: NotifyListAction.class.php,v 2006/07/26 10:53:00 minahito Exp $
+ */
+if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
+require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/include/notification_functions.php";
+require_once XOOPS_MODULE_PATH . "/base/forms/NotifyDeleteForm.class.php";
+ * List up notifications. This action is like notifications.php (when $op is
+ * 'list').
+ */
+class Legacy_NotifyListAction extends Legacy_Action
+	var $mModules = array();
+	var $mActionForm = null;
+	function prepare(&$controller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		$root =& $controller->mRoot;
+		$root->mLanguageManager->loadPageTypeMessageCatalog('notification');
+		$root->mLanguageManager->loadModuleMessageCatalog('base');
+		$this->mActionForm =& new Legacy_NotifyDeleteForm();
+		$this->mActionForm->prepare();
+	}
+	function hasPerm(&$controller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		return is_object($xoopsUser);
+	}
+	function getDefaultView(&$contoller, &$xoopsUser)
+	{
+		$criteria =& new Criteria('not_uid', $xoopsUser->get('uid'));
+		$criteria->setSort('not_modid, not_category, not_itemid');
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('notification');
+		$notificationArr =& $handler->getObjects($criteria);
+		$moduleHandler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
+		$prev_modid = -1;
+		$prev_category = -1;
+		$prev_item = -1;
+		foreach ($notificationArr as $notify) {
+			$t_modid = $notify->get('not_modid');
+			if ($t_modid != $prev_modid) {
+				$prev_modid = $t_modid;
+				$prev_category = -1;
+				$prev_item = -1;
+				$module =& $moduleHandler->get($t_modid);
+				$this->mModules[$t_modid] = array (
+					'id' => $t_modid,
+					'name' => $module->getShow('name'),
+					'categories' => array()
+				);
+				//
+				// [ToDo] (Original)
+				// note, we could auto-generate the url from the id
+				// and category info... (except when category has multiple
+				// subscription scripts defined...)
+				// OR, add one more option to xoops_version 'view_from'
+				// which tells us where to redirect... BUT, e.g. forums, it
+				// still wouldn't give us all the required info... e.g. the
+				// topic ID doesn't give us the ID of the forum which is
+				// a required argument...
+				//
+				// Get the lookup function, if exists
+				//
+				$notifyConfig = $module->getInfo('notification');
+				$lookupFunc = '';
+				if (!empty($notifyConfig['lookup_file'])) {
+					$t_filepath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $module->get('dirname') . '/' . $notifyConfig['lookup_file'];
+					if (file_exists($t_filepath)) {
+						require_once $t_filepath;
+						if (!empty($notifyConfig['lookup_func']) && function_exists($notifyConfig['lookup_func'])) {
+							$lookupFunc = $notifyConfig['lookup_func'];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			$t_category = $notify->get('not_category');
+			if ($t_category != $prev_category) {
+				$prev_category = $t_category;
+				$prev_item = -1;
+				$categoryInfo =& notificationCategoryInfo($t_category, $t_modid);
+			}
+			$t_item = $notify->get('not_itemid');
+			if ($t_item != $prev_item) {
+				$prev_item = $t_item;
+				if (!empty($lookupFunc)) {
+					$itemInfo = $lookupFunc($t_category, $t_item);
+				}
+				else {
+					$itemInfo = array ('name' => '[' . _NOT_NAMENOTAVAILABLE . ']', 'url' => '');
+				}
+				$this->mModules[$t_modid]['categories'][$t_category]['items'][$t_item] = array(
+					'id' => $t_item,
+					'name' => $itemInfo['name'],
+					'url' => $itemInfo['url'],
+					'notifications' => array()
+				);
+			}
+			$eventInfo =& notificationEventInfo($t_category, $notify->get('not_event'), $notify->get('not_modid'));
+			$this->mModules[$t_modid]['categories'][$t_category]['items'][$t_item]['notifications'][] = array(
+				'id' => $notify->get('not_id'),
+				'module_id' => $notify->get('not_modid'),
+				'category' => $notify->get('not_category'),
+				'category_title' => $categoryInfo['title'],
+				'item_id' => $notify->get('not_itemid'),
+				'event' => $notify->get('not_event'),
+				'event_title' => $eventInfo['title'],
+				'user_id' => $notify->get('not_uid')
+			);
+		}
+	}
+	function executeViewIndex(&$controller, &$xoopsUser, &$render)
+	{
+		$render->setTemplateName("legacy_notification_list.html");
+		$render->setAttribute('modules', $this->mModules);
+		$render->setAttribute('currentUser', $xoopsUser);
+		$render->setAttribute('actionForm', $this->mActionForm);
+	}
+	function executeViewError(&$controller, &$xoopsUser, &$render)
+	{
+		$controller->executeForward("./index.php?Action=ImageList");
+	}

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