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Commit MetaInfo

Révisionb032cf63bc440736efc7b659a385736e43aaf835 (tree)
l'heure2013-02-08 05:00:01
AuteurKimura Youichi <kim.upsilon@bucy...>
CommiterKimura Youichi

Message de Log

改行コードの修正 (CRLF -> LF)

Change Summary


--- a/OpenTween.Tests/ApiInformationTest.cs
+++ b/OpenTween.Tests/ApiInformationTest.cs
@@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
1-// OpenTween - Client of Twitter
2-// Copyright (c) 2012 the40san <http://sourceforge.jp/users/the40san/>
3-// All rights reserved.
5-// This file is part of OpenTween.
7-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8-// under the terms of the GNU General public License as published by the Free
9-// Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
10-// any later version.
12-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14-// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General public License
15-// for more details.
17-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General public License along
18-// with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or write to
19-// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
20-// Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22-using System;
23-using System.Collections.Generic;
24-using System.Linq;
25-using System.Text;
26-using System.Threading.Tasks;
27-using NUnit.Framework;
30-namespace OpenTween
32- [TestFixture]
33- public class ApiInformationTest
34- {
35- [Test]
36- public void Initialize()
37- {
38- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
39- apiinfo.Initialize();
41- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-RateLimit-Remaining"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
42- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-RateLimit-Limit"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
43- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-RateLimit-Reset"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
45- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-Access-Level"], Is.EqualTo("read-write-directmessages"));
47- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-MediaRateLimit-Remaining"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
48- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-MediaRateLimit-Limit"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
49- Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-MediaRateLimit-Reset"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
52- }
54- [Test]
55- [Combinatorial]
56- public void Test_MaxCount([Values(100, 0, -100)]int value)
57- {
58- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
59- apiinfo.MaxCount = value;
60- Assert.That(apiinfo.MaxCount, Is.EqualTo(value));
61- }
64- [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
65- [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
66- [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
67- [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
68- [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
69- public int Test_RemainCount(int value)
70- {
71- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
72- apiinfo.RemainCount = value;
73- return apiinfo.RemainCount;
74- }
80- [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
81- [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
82- [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
83- [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
84- [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
85- public int Test_MediaMaxCount(int value)
86- {
87- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
88- apiinfo.MediaMaxCount = value;
89- return apiinfo.MediaMaxCount;
90- }
92- [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
93- [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
94- [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
95- [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
96- [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
97- public int Test_ResetTimeInSeconds(int value)
98- {
99- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
100- apiinfo.ResetTimeInSeconds = value;
101- return apiinfo.ResetTimeInSeconds;
102- }
104- [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
105- [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
106- [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
107- [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
108- [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
109- public int Test_UsingCount(int value)
110- {
111- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
112- apiinfo.UsingCount = value;
113- return apiinfo.UsingCount;
114- }
116- //↓以下DateTime系
118- [Test]
119- public void Test_ConvertResetTimeInSecondsToResetTime()
120- {
121- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
122- DateTime d = apiinfo.ConvertResetTimeInSecondsToResetTime(-1);
123- Assert.That(d, Is.EqualTo(new DateTime()));
124- }
126- [Test]
127- public void Test_MediaResetTime()
128- {
129- ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
130- DateTime d = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
131- apiinfo.MediaResetTime = d;
132- Assert.That(apiinfo.MediaResetTime, Is.EqualTo(d));
133- }
136- }
1+// OpenTween - Client of Twitter
2+// Copyright (c) 2012 the40san <http://sourceforge.jp/users/the40san/>
3+// All rights reserved.
5+// This file is part of OpenTween.
7+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8+// under the terms of the GNU General public License as published by the Free
9+// Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
10+// any later version.
12+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14+// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General public License
15+// for more details.
17+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General public License along
18+// with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or write to
19+// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
20+// Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22+using System;
23+using System.Collections.Generic;
24+using System.Linq;
25+using System.Text;
26+using System.Threading.Tasks;
27+using NUnit.Framework;
30+namespace OpenTween
32+ [TestFixture]
33+ public class ApiInformationTest
34+ {
35+ [Test]
36+ public void Initialize()
37+ {
38+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
39+ apiinfo.Initialize();
41+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-RateLimit-Remaining"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
42+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-RateLimit-Limit"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
43+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-RateLimit-Reset"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
45+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-Access-Level"], Is.EqualTo("read-write-directmessages"));
47+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-MediaRateLimit-Remaining"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
48+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-MediaRateLimit-Limit"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
49+ Assert.That(apiinfo.HttpHeaders["X-MediaRateLimit-Reset"], Is.EqualTo("-1"));
52+ }
54+ [Test]
55+ [Combinatorial]
56+ public void Test_MaxCount([Values(100, 0, -100)]int value)
57+ {
58+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
59+ apiinfo.MaxCount = value;
60+ Assert.That(apiinfo.MaxCount, Is.EqualTo(value));
61+ }
64+ [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
65+ [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
66+ [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
67+ [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
68+ [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
69+ public int Test_RemainCount(int value)
70+ {
71+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
72+ apiinfo.RemainCount = value;
73+ return apiinfo.RemainCount;
74+ }
80+ [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
81+ [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
82+ [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
83+ [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
84+ [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
85+ public int Test_MediaMaxCount(int value)
86+ {
87+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
88+ apiinfo.MediaMaxCount = value;
89+ return apiinfo.MediaMaxCount;
90+ }
92+ [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
93+ [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
94+ [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
95+ [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
96+ [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
97+ public int Test_ResetTimeInSeconds(int value)
98+ {
99+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
100+ apiinfo.ResetTimeInSeconds = value;
101+ return apiinfo.ResetTimeInSeconds;
102+ }
104+ [TestCase(-100, Result = -100)]
105+ [TestCase(0, Result = 0)]
106+ [TestCase(100, Result = 100)]
107+ [TestCase(int.MaxValue, Result = int.MaxValue)]
108+ [TestCase(int.MinValue, Result = int.MinValue)]
109+ public int Test_UsingCount(int value)
110+ {
111+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
112+ apiinfo.UsingCount = value;
113+ return apiinfo.UsingCount;
114+ }
116+ //↓以下DateTime系
118+ [Test]
119+ public void Test_ConvertResetTimeInSecondsToResetTime()
120+ {
121+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
122+ DateTime d = apiinfo.ConvertResetTimeInSecondsToResetTime(-1);
123+ Assert.That(d, Is.EqualTo(new DateTime()));
124+ }
126+ [Test]
127+ public void Test_MediaResetTime()
128+ {
129+ ApiInformation apiinfo = new ApiInformation();
130+ DateTime d = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
131+ apiinfo.MediaResetTime = d;
132+ Assert.That(apiinfo.MediaResetTime, Is.EqualTo(d));
133+ }
136+ }
--- a/OpenTween.Tests/BingTest.cs
+++ b/OpenTween.Tests/BingTest.cs
@@ -1,199 +1,199 @@
1-// OpenTween - Client of Twitter
2-// Copyright (c) 2012 the40san <http://sourceforge.jp/users/the40san/>
3-// All rights reserved.
5-// This file is part of OpenTween.
7-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8-// under the terms of the GNU General public License as published by the Free
9-// Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
10-// any later version.
12-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14-// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General public License
15-// for more details.
17-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General public License along
18-// with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or write to
19-// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
20-// Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.using System;
21-using System.Collections.Generic;
22-using System.Linq;
23-using System.Text;
24-using System.Reflection;
25-using NUnit.Framework;
28-namespace OpenTween
30- /// <summary>
31- /// Bingクラスのテストクラス
32- /// Translate(string _from, string _to, string _text, out string buf)のテスト未実装です
33- /// </summary>
34- [TestFixture]
35- class BingTest
36- {
37- List<string> LanguageTable;
38- Bing bing;
40- [TestFixtureSetUp]
41- public void TestInit()
42- {
43- bing = new Bing();
44- //リフレクション使ってインスタンスから取得するようにしたい
45- #region 言語テーブル定義
46- LanguageTable = new List<string>() {
47- "af",
48- "sq",
49- "ar-sa",
50- "ar-iq",
51- "ar-eg",
52- "ar-ly",
53- "ar-dz",
54- "ar-ma",
55- "ar-tn",
56- "ar-om",
57- "ar-ye",
58- "ar-sy",
59- "ar-jo",
60- "ar-lb",
61- "ar-kw",
62- "ar-ae",
63- "ar-bh",
64- "ar-qa",
65- "eu",
66- "bg",
67- "be",
68- "ca",
69- "zh-tw",
70- "zh-cn",
71- "zh-hk",
72- "zh-sg",
73- "hr",
74- "cs",
75- "da",
76- "nl",
77- "nl-be",
78- "en",
79- "en-us",
80- "en-gb",
81- "en-au",
82- "en-ca",
83- "en-nz",
84- "en-ie",
85- "en-za",
86- "en-jm",
87- "en",
88- "en-bz",
89- "en-tt",
90- "et",
91- "fo",
92- "fa",
93- "fi",
94- "fr",
95- "fr-be",
96- "fr-ca",
97- "fr-ch",
98- "fr-lu",
99- "gd",
100- "ga",
101- "de",
102- "de-ch",
103- "de-at",
104- "de-lu",
105- "de-li",
106- "el",
107- "he",
108- "hi",
109- "hu",
110- "is",
111- "id",
112- "it",
113- "it-ch",
114- "ja",
115- "ko",
116- "ko",
117- "lv",
118- "lt",
119- "mk",
120- "ms",
121- "mt",
122- "no",
123- "no",
124- "pl",
125- "pt-br",
126- "pt",
127- "rm",
128- "ro",
129- "ro-mo",
130- "ru",
131- "ru-mo",
132- "sz",
133- "sr",
134- "sr",
135- "sk",
136- "sl",
137- "sb",
138- "es",
139- "es-mx",
140- "es-gt",
141- "es-cr",
142- "es-pa",
143- "es-do",
144- "es-ve",
145- "es-co",
146- "es-pe",
147- "es-ar",
148- "es-ec",
149- "es-cl",
150- "es-uy",
151- "es-py",
152- "es-bo",
153- "es-sv",
154- "es-hn",
155- "es-ni",
156- "es-pr",
157- "sx",
158- "sv",
159- "sv-fi",
160- "th",
161- "ts",
162- "tn",
163- "tr",
164- "uk",
165- "ur",
166- "ve",
167- "vi",
168- "xh",
169- "ji",
170- "zu"
171- };
172- #endregion
174- }
176- //public bool TranslateTest(string _from, string _to, string _text, out string buf)
177- //{
179- //}
181- [Test]
182- public void GetLanguageEnumFromIndexTest()
183- {
184- Assert.That(bing.GetLanguageEnumFromIndex(0), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable[0]));
185- Assert.That(bing.GetLanguageEnumFromIndex(1), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable[1]));
186- Assert.That(bing.GetLanguageEnumFromIndex(LanguageTable.Count - 1), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable[LanguageTable.Count - 1]));
187- }
189- [Test]
190- public void GetIndexFromLanguageEnumTest()
191- {
192- Assert.That(bing.GetIndexFromLanguageEnum(LanguageTable[0]), Is.EqualTo(0));
193- Assert.That(bing.GetIndexFromLanguageEnum(LanguageTable[1]), Is.EqualTo(1));
194- Assert.That(bing.GetIndexFromLanguageEnum(LanguageTable[LanguageTable.Count - 1]), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable.Count - 1));
195- }
198- }
1+// OpenTween - Client of Twitter
2+// Copyright (c) 2012 the40san <http://sourceforge.jp/users/the40san/>
3+// All rights reserved.
5+// This file is part of OpenTween.
7+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8+// under the terms of the GNU General public License as published by the Free
9+// Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
10+// any later version.
12+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14+// or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General public License
15+// for more details.
17+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General public License along
18+// with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>, or write to
19+// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
20+// Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.using System;
21+using System.Collections.Generic;
22+using System.Linq;
23+using System.Text;
24+using System.Reflection;
25+using NUnit.Framework;
28+namespace OpenTween
30+ /// <summary>
31+ /// Bingクラスのテストクラス
32+ /// Translate(string _from, string _to, string _text, out string buf)のテスト未実装です
33+ /// </summary>
34+ [TestFixture]
35+ class BingTest
36+ {
37+ List<string> LanguageTable;
38+ Bing bing;
40+ [TestFixtureSetUp]
41+ public void TestInit()
42+ {
43+ bing = new Bing();
44+ //リフレクション使ってインスタンスから取得するようにしたい
45+ #region 言語テーブル定義
46+ LanguageTable = new List<string>() {
47+ "af",
48+ "sq",
49+ "ar-sa",
50+ "ar-iq",
51+ "ar-eg",
52+ "ar-ly",
53+ "ar-dz",
54+ "ar-ma",
55+ "ar-tn",
56+ "ar-om",
57+ "ar-ye",
58+ "ar-sy",
59+ "ar-jo",
60+ "ar-lb",
61+ "ar-kw",
62+ "ar-ae",
63+ "ar-bh",
64+ "ar-qa",
65+ "eu",
66+ "bg",
67+ "be",
68+ "ca",
69+ "zh-tw",
70+ "zh-cn",
71+ "zh-hk",
72+ "zh-sg",
73+ "hr",
74+ "cs",
75+ "da",
76+ "nl",
77+ "nl-be",
78+ "en",
79+ "en-us",
80+ "en-gb",
81+ "en-au",
82+ "en-ca",
83+ "en-nz",
84+ "en-ie",
85+ "en-za",
86+ "en-jm",
87+ "en",
88+ "en-bz",
89+ "en-tt",
90+ "et",
91+ "fo",
92+ "fa",
93+ "fi",
94+ "fr",
95+ "fr-be",
96+ "fr-ca",
97+ "fr-ch",
98+ "fr-lu",
99+ "gd",
100+ "ga",
101+ "de",
102+ "de-ch",
103+ "de-at",
104+ "de-lu",
105+ "de-li",
106+ "el",
107+ "he",
108+ "hi",
109+ "hu",
110+ "is",
111+ "id",
112+ "it",
113+ "it-ch",
114+ "ja",
115+ "ko",
116+ "ko",
117+ "lv",
118+ "lt",
119+ "mk",
120+ "ms",
121+ "mt",
122+ "no",
123+ "no",
124+ "pl",
125+ "pt-br",
126+ "pt",
127+ "rm",
128+ "ro",
129+ "ro-mo",
130+ "ru",
131+ "ru-mo",
132+ "sz",
133+ "sr",
134+ "sr",
135+ "sk",
136+ "sl",
137+ "sb",
138+ "es",
139+ "es-mx",
140+ "es-gt",
141+ "es-cr",
142+ "es-pa",
143+ "es-do",
144+ "es-ve",
145+ "es-co",
146+ "es-pe",
147+ "es-ar",
148+ "es-ec",
149+ "es-cl",
150+ "es-uy",
151+ "es-py",
152+ "es-bo",
153+ "es-sv",
154+ "es-hn",
155+ "es-ni",
156+ "es-pr",
157+ "sx",
158+ "sv",
159+ "sv-fi",
160+ "th",
161+ "ts",
162+ "tn",
163+ "tr",
164+ "uk",
165+ "ur",
166+ "ve",
167+ "vi",
168+ "xh",
169+ "ji",
170+ "zu"
171+ };
172+ #endregion
174+ }
176+ //public bool TranslateTest(string _from, string _to, string _text, out string buf)
177+ //{
179+ //}
181+ [Test]
182+ public void GetLanguageEnumFromIndexTest()
183+ {
184+ Assert.That(bing.GetLanguageEnumFromIndex(0), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable[0]));
185+ Assert.That(bing.GetLanguageEnumFromIndex(1), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable[1]));
186+ Assert.That(bing.GetLanguageEnumFromIndex(LanguageTable.Count - 1), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable[LanguageTable.Count - 1]));
187+ }
189+ [Test]
190+ public void GetIndexFromLanguageEnumTest()
191+ {
192+ Assert.That(bing.GetIndexFromLanguageEnum(LanguageTable[0]), Is.EqualTo(0));
193+ Assert.That(bing.GetIndexFromLanguageEnum(LanguageTable[1]), Is.EqualTo(1));
194+ Assert.That(bing.GetIndexFromLanguageEnum(LanguageTable[LanguageTable.Count - 1]), Is.EqualTo(LanguageTable.Count - 1));
195+ }
198+ }
--- a/OpenTween.Tests/OpenTween.Tests.csproj
+++ b/OpenTween.Tests/OpenTween.Tests.csproj
@@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
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58- <Compile Include="PostClassTest.cs" />
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63- <Compile Include="Thumbnail\Services\MetaThumbnailServiceTest.cs" />
64- <Compile Include="Thumbnail\Services\SimpleThumbnailServiceTest.cs" />
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66- <Compile Include="TweetThumbnailTest.cs" />
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87- <ItemGroup />
88- <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
89- <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
90- Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
91- <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
92- </Target>
93- <Target Name="AfterBuild">
94- </Target>
95- -->
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57+ <Compile Include="MyCommonTest.cs" />
58+ <Compile Include="PostClassTest.cs" />
59+ <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
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61+ <Compile Include="TestUtils.cs" />
62+ <Compile Include="Thumbnail\Services\ImgAzyobuziNetTest.cs" />
63+ <Compile Include="Thumbnail\Services\MetaThumbnailServiceTest.cs" />
64+ <Compile Include="Thumbnail\Services\SimpleThumbnailServiceTest.cs" />
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89+ <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
90+ Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
91+ <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
92+ </Target>
93+ <Target Name="AfterBuild">
94+ </Target>
95+ -->
9696 </Project>
\ No newline at end of file