Copyright waived using CC0 1.0 Universal, 2020 dyknon

Post date
2020-05-12 13:21
Période de publication
  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. exec </dev/null
  3. TAG="$1"
  4. if echo "${TAG}" | grep -q ^-; then
  5. echo invalid tagname
  6. exit 1
  7. fi
  8. shift
  9. git verify-tag -v "${TAG}" 2>/dev/null | tee /dev/fd/2 | ( exec 3<&0; \
  10. git show "${TAG}" \
  11. | perl -ne 'print if(/^-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----$/../^-----END/)' \
  12. | gpg "$@" --verify /dev/fd/0 /dev/fd/3
  13. )
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