the default GitOps source repository for booting up Jenkins X
Nom | Taille | Révision | l'heure | Auteur | Message de Log |
controllerbuild | |||||
controllerteam | |||||
controllerworkflow | |||||
docker-registry | |||||
jenkins | |||||
jenkins-x-platform | |||||
jxboot-resources | |||||
lighthouse | |||||
nexus | |||||
prow | |||||
tekton | |||||
templates | |||||
.gitignore | 23 | f5d7b6e | 2019-08-29 22:11:11 | James Strachan | fix: switch to using templating for t... |
Chart.yaml | 168 | 9936396 | 2019-06-20 14:58:56 | James Strachan | fix: lets use token rather than passw... |
Makefile | 389 | 787eab4 | 2019-08-26 20:37:14 | Cosmin Cojocar | fix: port various changes from weasel... |
parameters.schema.json | 4.42 k | f8fcc07 | 2019-08-30 00:51:08 | James Strachan | fix: support jenkins server as a webh... |
parameters.tmpl.schema.json | 6.24 k | f5d7b6e | 2019-08-29 22:11:11 | James Strachan | fix: switch to using templating for t... |
requirements.yaml | 553 | 58cf06a | 2019-08-29 22:11:33 | James Strachan | fix: lets move the `env/templates/*.y... |
values.tmpl.yaml | 175 | f8fcc07 | 2019-08-30 00:51:08 | James Strachan | fix: support jenkins server as a webh... |