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Révisionbfb12c771e18f1355ec6d8f24b1887f98b43c89f (tree)
l'heure2020-03-04 23:17:42
AuteurKazuhiro Fujieda <fujieda@user...>
CommiterKazuhiro Fujieda

Message de Log


Change Summary


--- a/KancolleSniffer.Test/QuestCounterTest.cs
+++ b/KancolleSniffer.Test/QuestCounterTest.cs
@@ -1085,6 +1085,53 @@ namespace KancolleSniffer.Test
10851085 }
10871087 /// <summary>
1088+ /// 905: 「海防艦」、海を護る!
1089+ /// </summary>
1090+ [TestMethod]
1091+ public void BattleResult_905()
1092+ {
1093+ var count = InjectQuest(905);
1094+ _battleInfo.InjectResultStatus(
1095+ ShipStatusList(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
1096+ new ShipStatus[0], new ShipStatus[0], new ShipStatus[0]);
1098+ InjectMapNext(11, 5);
1099+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1100+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}), "6隻はカウントしない");
1102+ _battleInfo.Result.Friend.Main[5] = new ShipStatus();
1103+ InjectBattleResult("B");
1104+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}), "B勝利はカウントしない");
1106+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1107+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 0, 0, 0, 0}), "1-1");
1109+ InjectMapNext(12, 4);
1110+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1111+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 0, 0, 0, 0}), "ボス以外はカウントしない");
1113+ InjectMapNext(12, 5);
1114+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1115+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 1, 0, 0, 0}), "1-2");
1117+ _battleInfo.Result.Friend.Main[0] = ShipStatus(2);
1118+ InjectMapNext(13, 5);
1119+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1120+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 1, 0, 0, 0}), "海防艦2隻はカウントしない");
1122+ _battleInfo.Result.Friend.Main[0] = ShipStatus(1);
1123+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1124+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 1, 1, 0, 0}), "1-3");
1126+ InjectMapNext(15, 5);
1127+ InjectBattleResult("A");
1128+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 0}), "1-5");
1130+ InjectMapNext(16, 8);
1131+ PAssert.That(() => count.NowArray.SequenceEqual(new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}), "1-6");
1132+ }
1134+ /// <summary>
10881135 /// 280と854以降を同時に遂行していると854以降がカウントされないことがある
10891136 /// </summary>
10901137 [TestMethod]
--- a/KancolleSniffer/Model/QuestCountList.cs
+++ b/KancolleSniffer/Model/QuestCountList.cs
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ namespace KancolleSniffer.Model
7373 {893, new QuestSortie {Interval = Quarterly, MaxArray = new[] {3, 3, 3, 3}, Rank = "S", Maps = new[] {15, 71, 721, 722}, Material = new[] {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, // 893: 泊地周辺海域の安全確保を徹底せよ!
7474 {894, new QuestSortie {Interval = Quarterly, MaxArray = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, Rank = "S", Maps = new[] {13, 14, 21, 22, 23}, Material = new[] {0, 0, 0, 0}}}, // 894: 空母戦力の投入による兵站線戦闘哨戒
7575 {904, new QuestSortie {Interval = Yearly, MaxArray = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1}, Rank = "S", Maps = new[] {25, 34, 45, 53}, Material = new[] {0, 8, 10, 4}}}, // 904: 精鋭「十九駆」、躍り出る!
76+ {905, new QuestSortie {Interval = Yearly, MaxArray = new[] {1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, Rank = "A", Maps = new[] {11, 12, 13, 15, 16}, Material = new[] {0, 6, 8, 0}}}, // 905: 「海防艦」、海を護る!
7778 {303, new QuestPractice {Interval = Daily, Max = 3, Rank = "E", Material = new[] {1, 0, 0, 0}}}, // 303: 「演習」で練度向上!
7879 {304, new QuestPractice {Interval = Daily, Max = 5, Rank = "B", Material = new[] {0, 0, 1, 0}}}, // 304: 「演習」で他提督を圧倒せよ!
--- a/KancolleSniffer/Model/QuestCounter.cs
+++ b/KancolleSniffer/Model/QuestCounter.cs
@@ -323,6 +323,8 @@ namespace KancolleSniffer.Model
323323 return specs.Names.Count("磯波", "浦波", "綾波", "敷波") == 4;
324324 case 904:
325325 return specs.Names.Count("綾波改二", "敷波改二") == 2;
326+ case 905:
327+ return specs.Types.Count(type => type == 1) >= 3 && specs.Types.Length <= 5;
326328 default:
327329 return true;
328330 }