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Commit MetaInfo

Révision7556c716dd980009fc3840602d17935127201fb2 (tree)
l'heure2011-07-06 10:57:12
AuteurMikiya Fujii <mikiya.fujii@gmai...>
CommiterMikiya Fujii

Message de Log

Howto write input for CIS is modified.

git-svn-id: https://svn.sourceforge.jp/svnroot/molds/MolDS/trunk@110 1136aad2-a195-0410-b898-f5ea1d11b9d8

Change Summary


--- a/doc/README.txt
+++ b/doc/README.txt
@@ -62,15 +62,16 @@ How to Write Input-files:
6262 -options
6363 "davidson", "active_occ", "active_vir", and "nstates" are prepared as options.
65+ "davidson" should be set as "yes" or "no".
66+ Default value is "yes".
6568 "active_occ" ("active_vir") is set to the number of occupied (virtual) orbitals
6669 if user set "active_occ" ("active_vir") to be greater than the number of occupied (virtual) orbitals.
67- "nstates" is valid for the Davidson algorithm only, hence "nstates" is set to "active_occ*active_vir"
68- without the Davidson algorithem.
70+ Default value of "active_occ" is 10. Default value of "active_vir" is 10.
70- Default value of "davidson" is "yes".(One can select "yes" or "no" for option "davidson".)
71- Default value of "active_occ" is 10.
72- Default value of "active_vir" is 10.
73- Default value of "nstates" is 5.
72+ "nstates" is valid for the Davidson algorithm only, hence "nstates" is set to "active_occ*active_vir"
73+ in direct CIS algorithm (without the Davidson algorithem).
74+ Default value of "nstates" is 5 for the Davidson algorithem.
7576 E.g.
7677 CIS