Révision | 35d607974984755ef330809d30ef567678eb0842 |
Taille | 314 octets |
l'heure | 2007-06-28 18:05:26 |
Auteur | iselllo |
Message de Log | I added the code Python-codes/py_gnuplot.py. It shows how to use the
#! /usr/bin/env python
import Gnuplot as gp
g = gp.Gnuplot(debug=1)
g ("reset")
g ("set xrange [-2:2]")
g ("set yrange [-2:2]")
g ("set pm3d")
g ("set terminal postscript eps enhanced color")
g ("splot exp(-x*x)*exp(-y*y)")
g ("set output 'new_plot.ps'")
g ("replot")
g ("set terminal x11")
print 'So far so good'